Category Archives: resource

Free Online Courses on the History of the Book

A free online series of courses that may be of interest to ANZAMEMS members. Thanks to Julie Hotchin for sending me the link to the free online courses:

The courses are on The Book: Histories Across Time and Space, and are offered by Harvard University through edX. In particular courses on The Medieval Book of Hours: Art and Devotion in the Middle Ages, and Books in the Medieval Liturgy, both offered by Jeffrey Hamburger, sound of particular relevance to many medievalists in our community. The courses are self-paced and commence on 1 September.

For full details on the courses mentioned above (as well as a few other relevant courses on offer that also commence on Sept. 1), please visit the links below:

Books in the Medieval Liturgy:

The Medieval Book of Hours: Art and Devotion in the Later Middle Ages:

Making and Meaning in the Medieval Manuscript:

The History of the Book in 17th and 18th Century Europe:

Monasteries, Schools, and Notaries, Part 1: Reading the Late Medieval Marseille Archive:

Monasteries, Schools, and Notaries, Part 2: Introduction to the Transitional Gothic Script:

Print and Manuscript in Western Europe, Asia and the Middle East (1450-1650):

Scrolls in the Age of the Book:

The Gothic Ivories Project – Now Online

The Gothic Ivories Project was launched in October 2008 at the Courtauld Institute of Art. It consists of an online database of ivory sculptures made in Western Europe ca. 1200-ca. 1530, as well as neo-Gothic pieces.

This online resource allows wide-ranging searches on iconography, provenance, origin, post-medieval repairs and replacements, modern forgeries, and many other aspects. It is possible to view in one place images and detailed information on over 5,000 items scattered in over 400 collections around the world. The focus of the Project is on objects made in Europe dating from c. 1200-c. 1530 (excluding Embriachi work), and modern imitations. Please note that the mission of the Gothic Ivories Project is to compile published information and scholarly opinion on the objects, not to emit a judgement on them.

Over 400 institutions in 27 different countries are now on board. Among them are some key collections such as The State Hermitage Museum in Saint-Petersburg, the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, the Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden, the Museo e Tesoro del Duomo di Monza, but also many small and little known collections, such as that of Oscott College, near Birmingham, or of the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona.

Nearly all these collections are available online: the website now contains 5113 entries, illustrated with 14233 images.

This resource is fully accessible online to researchers, students, and the wider community, thus providing an invaluable tool for the study of these objects.

The Gothic Ivories Project website:

England’s Immigrants 1330-1550 – Now Online

A major new research database revealing extraordinary data on immigration in England in the late medieval period is now available, thanks to the University of York, in partnership with the Humanities Research Institute (University of Sheffield) and The National Archives.

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded the three-year project directed by Professor Mark Ormrod, of the University’s Centre for Medieval Studies, who headed a team of researchers based in York and London.

It reveals evidence about the names, origins, occupations and households of a significant number of foreigners who chose to live and work in England in the era of the Hundred Years War, the Black Death and the Wars of the Roses. The project contributes to debates about the longer-term history of immigration to Britain, helping to provide a deep historical and cultural context to contemporary debates over ethnicity, multiculturalism and national identity.

The database contains the names of a total of 65,000 immigrants resident in England between 1330 and 1550.

The database is accessible to all at and is a fully searchable and interactive resource, from which data can be downloaded. The website also supports the researcher with guides to the various counties and documents, and provides case studies of interesting individuals demonstrating just how much we can learn from our immigrant ancestors.

For more on the launch of this database, please visit:

Digital Dante – Relaunched

Columbia University Libraries/Information Services’ (CUL/IS) Center for Digital Research and Scholarship (CDRS), in collaboration with the Department of Italian and CUL/IS’ Humanities and History Division, are pleased to announce the launch of the new Digital Dante website at, a publicly accessible digital research resource on Dante’s works with a special focus on the Divine Comedy and its translations.

Digital Dante was conceived of by Dr. Jennifer Hogan when, as a Columbia graduate student in the early 1990s under the advisement of Dr. Robbie McClintock, she collaborated on the original website with Dr. Teodolinda Barolini and others from the Department of Italian and the Institute for Learning Technologies, as well as with the poet and translator, Allen Mandelbaum. The website proved invaluable to the Dante community, relied on as a rich research resource by researchers and students all over the world.

Over twenty years later, this new iteration of the website was made possible by CDRS, the Department of Italian as guided by Digital Dante Editor-in-Chief Dr. Barolini, Dr. Hogan, CUL/IS’ Humanities and History Division, and numerous PhD students in Dante studies. The relaunched and greatly enhanced website seeks to provide a venue for collaboration with scholars at other institutions and for new research and perspectives from the next generation of Dante scholars. Along with a beautiful new design showcasing images from Columbia’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the website features a number of new digital projects, including the Intertextual Dante, a new tool for exploring intertextual relationships between Ovid’s works and the Divine Comedy developed by Professor Julie Van Peteghem, and recorded audio performances of sestina readings by students, performing the poems in the unique style explored throughout Professor Barolini’s courses. The new Digital Dante retains and expands upon many of the essential features of the original site: translations of Dante’s works with easily navigable primary and comparison texts, lecture audio and annotations, and criticism and context.

Read the Complete Introductory Announcement

To access Digital Dante, please visit:

Understanding Shakespeare

Understanding Shakespeare is a collaborative project between JSTOR Labs and the Folger Shakespeare Library . It’s a research tool that allows students, educators and scholars to use the text of Shakespeare’s plays to quickly navigate into the scholarship written about them—line by line. Users simply click next to any line of text in a play and relevant articles from the JSTOR archive immediately load.

Currently, there are six plays available in Understanding Shakespeare: Hamlet, Henry V, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Twelfth Night. All editions of the plays are from the Folger Digital Texts, which are electronic versions of the Folger Editions.

Understanding Shakespeare is a free resource that is open to the public. The Folger Digital Texts are free to use for all non-commercial uses. Each article title links to the full-text on the main JSTOR website, which is available to people at participating institutions or with individual access to JSTOR. Many articles in Understanding Shakespeare are also available for online reading with a free Register and Read account.

For more information, please visit:

Department of Medieval Studies – CEU Budapest

The Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University (Budapest) offers two-year MA and PhD programs, coordinated with the Bologna process requirements and accredited in Hungary (and accepted throughout Europe) as well as in the US; and a one-year MA accredited in the United States. You can find further details at:

CEU offers full or partial tuition waivers and various other types of financial support on a competitive basis. For an update on recent policies please visit:

The Department, together with the department of History, hosts numerous research units, among them the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (, the Center for Religious Studies (, the Jewish Studies Program (, and offers a number of specializations like: the Specialization in Religious Studies (SRS), Specialization in Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Jewish Studies Specialization (JSS), the Political Thoughts etc. For a complete list of specializations please check the departmental website from November onwards. In order to render the work of students more effective, the Source Language Teaching Group offers Latin and Greek courses and on demand Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Armenian, Old Georgian, Syriac, Russian, Ottoman, Turkish, Old Church Slavonic and Persian.

The new two-year interdisciplinary and interdepartmental MA program in Cultural Heritage Studies ( is coordinated by the department but offered together with other CEU units such as the Departments of History, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Environmental Sciences and Policy, and Legal Studies and Public Policy, plus the CEU Business School. It focuses on developing aptitudes for the critical assessment of tangible structures and objects such as buildings, monuments, and works of art, as well as intangible heritage like traditions, languages, and knowledge (see also the attached flyer of the program).

The department also participates in the international ERASMUS exchange program, which offers a 3-12 month long study abroad for PHD and two-year MA students and an internship for the one-year MA students. For more information please visit:

For undergraduate students who are interested in the program CEU organizes an interdisciplinary conference on Empire and Nations between August 6 and 9, 2015. For more information please visit

You can also get a glimpse of their activities through the Medieval Studies Department’s CEU Medieval Radio (, which is a twenty-four-hour webcast dedicated to medieval and early modern history and culture, as well as pre-1700 music. CEU Medieval Radio is web-casting interviews, talk shows, and lectures by resident and guest scholars and is devoted to authentic medieval and Renaissance music.


Qatar Digital Library – Now Online

The British Library Qatar Foundation Partnership has launched the Qatar Digital Library – a new, bilingual, online portal providing access to previously undigitised British Library archive materials relating to Gulf history and Arabic science.

The portal makes the modern history and culture of the Gulf and wider region, particularly its connection with Britain, available through vividly documented personal and official archives, photographs, maps and recordings of traditional music held at the British Library.

The Qatar Digital Library, which is in English and Arabic, will improve understanding of the Islamic world, Arabic cultural heritage and the modern history of the Gulf providing researchers around the world with the opportunity to perform ground-breaking research in subject areas such as the history of Gulf trade and politics, key individuals in the Gulf and the history of science in the Arabic-speaking world.

For more information, please visit:

To access to Qatar Digital Library, please visit:

Shakespeare Reloaded – Now Online

The Shakespeare Reloaded website is an open-access resource for educators to explore new approaches to teaching and learning Shakespeare. We research the history, theory, and practice of education and literary studies. The website contains activities, workshops and research. Shakespeare Reloaded is part of a broader collaborative project between academics and teachers at the University of Sydney and Barker College (Hornsby).

For more information, please visit:

Europa Inventa Database: Early European Objects in Australasian Collections

Australasian libraries, galleries and museums hold many thousands of unique and irreplaceable European manuscripts, art works and historic objects dating from the eleventh to the eighteenth centuries. They are of great value to researchers – both in Australasia and in Europe – not just for their contents but for what they reveal about the persistence of the Early European heritage in Australasia. Collectively and individually, they are unique national treasures of Australia and New Zealand.

Europa Inventa (“Europe Discovered”) is the first systematic description of these Early European materials. The Europa Inventa database currently contains information about 1,700 artworks and 300 medieval manuscripts held in the major Australian libraries, galleries and museums. It is one of the digital services developed for the ARC Research Network for Early European Research (NEER).

For more information and to access the Europa Inventa database, please visit:

HuNI – Now Online

A new platform for humanities and creative arts research, HuNI (pronounced honey) has recently launched.

Located at HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) is the result of a massive three-year, multi-million dollar collective effort led by Deakin Uni in which a consortium of thirteen Australian universities and cultural organisations worked collaboratively with eResearch agencies to design a new digital door to Australian cultural information.

The HuNI platform collects and provides access to digitised information from over 30 significant cultural collections (e.g. AustLit, AusStage, CAARP, Design and Art Australia online, Circus Oz, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Australian Media History Database) which have contributed more than a million items to HuNI. But it also enables researchers to do a great deal more.

HuNI also allows people to combine, collect and connect cultural knowledge through an innovative technology application. HuNI encourages collaboration in the humanities and creative arts by allowing researchers to discover, share, and find new ways to use and re-use cultural knowledge. By encouraging creativity, imagination and a greater appreciation of our shared history, HuNI aims to transform Australia through culture.

You can see some aspects of HuNI’s contribution to online research in the humanities and creative arts in this short info-video:

Six Degrees of HuNI Competition (with prizes!)

Aware of the enormous value of HuNI as an online information and educational resource, the HuNI team is launching a competition at a nationwide level that encourages researchers to discover, share and create with Australia’s cultural heritage through HuNI.

The competition will remain open until 28 November. The HuNI jury will select up to three outstanding entries.

The competition rules and regulations can be found, together with all other relevant information on

For any further information please contact Alwyn Davidson at: