ANZAMEMS’ membership year is January-December.
Members who renew their subscription after the advertised deadline (30 April) are only guaranteed a hard copy of the edition of Parergon produced after their renewal.
Membership Fees
At the 2024 ANZAMEMS Annual General Meeting, the following changes to individual membership fees for the Association were passed to take effect from 12 May 2024. NB: No changes were made to Library Subscriptions.
Membership Category | Cost (AUD) |
Student/Unwaged | $40.00 |
Ordinary, income under A$70,000 | $60.00 |
Ordinary, income A$70,000–120,000 | $80.00 |
Ordinary, income A$121,000–170,000 | $100.00 |
Ordinary, income over A$171,000 | $120.00 |
Ordinary, enhanced contribution* | $150.00 |
Library Subscription (Direct) [Australia] | $96.80 |
Library Subscription (Direct) [Elsewhere] | $88.00 |
Library Subscription (Via Agents) [Australia]^ | $88.33 |
Library Subscription (Via Agents) [Elsewhere]^ | $80.30 |
*NB: Enhanced contribution: This membership allows people to enhance their financial commitment to the Association and is available to all members.
^For Library Subscriptions (via Agents), please contact relevant Agencies directly.
Bank transfer: If you’d like to pay by by bank transfer, please contact for a membership form and further details.
Parergon Back Issues
Select back issues of Parergon are now available to order. To purchase a back issue please contact
Please note: Individual electronic copies of articles from Parergon can be purchased via Informit.
The journal can also be accessed electronically via Project Muse.
For any enquiries, please contact