Category Archives: Professional development

Applications Open: RaceB4Race Book Institutes

Applications are now open for the RaceB4Race First Book Institute, and the RaceB4Race Second Book Institute.

The First Book Institute supports early career premodern critical race scholars through the process of publishing their first book, a critical juncture in an academic career. Participants will meet twice monthly to discuss and workshop their writing, and will participate in professional development opportunities organized by the institute leader, Dr. Cord J. Whitaker.

The Second Book Institute supports mid-career premodern critical race scholars in writing their second books and getting them into print. Participants will meet twice monthly to discuss and workshop their writing, and will participate in professional development opportunities organized by their institute leader, Dr. Jean E. Howard.

Applications for both the First and Second Book Institute are open through Friday, November 15th. Use the following links to visit the RaceB4Race website, and apply:

Call for Committee Members – Cerae Journal

Cerae is looking for new committee members for Volume 12!

Ceræ is an open-access, award-winning, peer-reviewed journal directed by a committee of international graduate students and early career researchers. We are united in our commitment to open access publishing, the innovative possibilities of the digital humanities, and to forging a strong community of medieval and early modern scholars.

A commitment to serving on the Ceræ committee is 15 months (one volume year with three overlapping months for handover), and has an averaged weekly time commitment of 1-5 hours, depending on the role and time of year.

Ceræ currently has openings for several new office holders for Volume 12:

  • Deputy Editor(s)
  • Deputy Book Reviews Editor
  • Social Media Manager
  • Fundraising Officer

The deadline for expressions of interest has been extended to 25 October 2024. Please email to nominate yourself for an office-holder position, or to express interest in joining as a general committee member.

For further details, see:

Expression of Interest: SHAPE Futures EMCR Network Executive Committee Positions

The SHAPE Futures EMCR Network aims to support, connect and advocate for early and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) working in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts for People and Environment (SHAPE) disciplines across Australia. The SHAPE Futures Executive Committee is recruiting EMCRs interested in these objectives to take on a role within the Network Executive. All members of the executive are expected to attend the monthly meetings (held via Zoom), with other tasks allocated that are aligned to the position description. The time commitment will vary each month and depending on the role held by an individual. On average, it is anticipated a time commitment of 1-2 hours per week would be necessary.

Expressions of Interest are now open for the three Executive Committee positions listed below. To apply, please email including the name of the role/s you are interested in, a short statement about your suitability for the role/s, and your EMCR/HDR status (i.e., how long post-PhD or in what year of your PhD are you). When more than one expression of interest is received for a single position, the SHAPE Futures EMCR Network membership will be asked to vote on their preferred candidate based on the short statement submitted.

Expressions of interest can be sent to Sarah Midford, Chairperson:

Deputy Chairperson
One of two Deputy Chair positions is currently vacant on the SHAPE Futures executive committee. The Deputy Chairperson duties include:
• Deputising the executive Chairperson
• Working closely and collaboratively with the co-deputy chairperson
• Holding ultimate responsibility for Advocacy Strategy
• Holding ultimate responsibility for Policy Engagement
• Managing special projects (i.e., annual Network convention, surveys, content generation, co-authorship of policy submissions, etc.)

Website Officer
The SHAPE Futures Website Officer will manage the Network’s online presence. They should be organised and creative with the capacity to take on between 1-2 hours of volunteer work each week. Ideally, the Website Officer will have some experience managing content and using a content management system (ie. WordPress). However, training and guidance will be provided so that the incoming officer has time to learn what is required for this position. The Website Officer will:
• Be the primary contact for all website updates
• Manage the production and scheduling of content to be uploaded to the website
• Collaborate with other members of the executive committee, particularly the Social Media Officer, to regularly post relevant content on the website
• Deputise the Social Media Officer when they are on leave

Social Media Officer
The SHAPE Futures Social Media Officer will manage the Networks social media presence. They should be organised and creative with the capacity to take on between 1-2 hours of volunteer work each week. Ideally, the incoming officer will have some experience writing and posting content for social media (ie. Facebook, X, LinkedIn). However, training and guidance will be provided so that the incoming officer has time to learn what is required for this position. The Social Media Officer will:
• Be the primary contact for all social media posts
• Manage the production and scheduling of content to be posted on social media
• Collaborate with other members of the executive committee, particularly the Website Officer, to regularly post relevant content on the Network’s Social Media sites
• Deputise the Website Officer when they are on leave

Parergon 2024 Early Career Committee Call for Nominations

Parergon, the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.), seeks nominations for interested early career scholars within ANZAMEMS to participate as members of the 2024 Early Career Committee (ECC). The aim of this committee is to recognise and support early career researcher contributions to ANZAMEMS, and specifically, Parergon.

The ECC meets three times a year and offers an opportunity to provide advice to the Editorial team and gain a deeper understanding of the detailed intellectual and practical processes of production of a prestigious, peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

Additionally, participation in the ECC will provide valuable service experience for those interested in pursuing academic and publishing career pathways. Membership of the ECC is not a paid position.

Terms are for a calendar year, with a possible maximal renewal of an additional, immediate year.

Nominations are sought from late-stage doctoral students through to those five years post PhD or equivalent), who are current members of ANZAMEMS.

Applications should consist of a CV, and a covering email outlining disciplinary expertise to the Editors of Parergon,

Doctoral students wishing to apply should also provide an email from their supervisor indicating support for their application.

Nominations close on Friday 1 March 2024. Successful candidates will be notified in early March.

Selection criteria

  • Candidates are expected to be available to make 3 meetings a year by Zoom link.

No prior experience is necessary

The Editorial team will seek to achieve a broad disciplinary spread among the committee.

Parergon Early Career Committee Terms of Reference

Version: 2 February 2024

1.                  Purpose

The Committee’s purposes are:

  1. to provide advice to the Editor and Reviews Editor on the content, production and promotion of Parergon.
  2. to give the opportunity for early career researchers to gain experience in the intellectual and practical processes of production of a high-quality international peer- reviewed journal.
  3. to support the aims of the association with regard to the publication of its journal.

2.                  Membership

The members of the Committee are:

  • The Parergon Editor
    • The Parergon Reviews Editor
    • The ANZAMEMS Communications Officer
    • Up to 12 persons appointed by the Editor and Reviews Editor for one year.

Persons appointed in category 2.3:

  1. must be members of ANZAMEMS; and
  2. must be early career researchers (within five years of achieving a doctoral qualification) or currently enrolled doctoral students (with support of a doctoral supervisor)
  3. are eligible for reappointment for a further term of one year.

3.                  Meetings

  • The Parergon Editor is the Chair of the committee.
    • The Committee normally meets three times a year.

3.2       The Committee reports through the Editor to the ANZAMEMS Editorial Sub- Committee.

ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day

ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day
Wednesday 30 November 2022
The University of Melbourne (and online)
(Part of the Congress of HASS,

ANZAMEMS is excited to announce it will be running a Professional Development Day for postgraduates and early career researchers from both Australia and New Zealand at the upcoming Congress of the Council of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) in Melbourne, in late November 2022.

The event will be held both in person at The University of Melbourne, and online via Zoom on Wednesday 30 November 2022.

The ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day will assist postgraduate and ECR scholars in their development as researchers and provide opportunities to network with experts and other postgraduates working in similar fields. The program will offer a mix of career development and state of the field/s reflections. A detailed program and list of speakers will be announced shortly.

All attendees will be expected to abide by the ANZAMEMS Equity and Diversity policy ( and Covid-Safe procedures.

Registration for the ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day is required. Registration is FREE for all attendees.

To register to attend the ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day either in-person or online, please visit:

Covid-Safe Event
Please note: Covid-Safe measures will be in place during the Event for those attending in person:
Free masks, RATs and hand sanitiser will be provided by Event organisers;
In-person attendees will be required to wear masks whilst indoors, and to provide proof of a negative RAT the morning of the Event;
ANZAMEMS strongly encourages individuals to remain up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations;
Covid-safe meal options for morning/afternoon tea and lunch will also be provided.

The Congress of HASS is a child friendly event. For more information about childcare options, please visit the Congress website:

Travel and Carer Bursaries
A limited number of Travel and Carer bursaries will be available to ANZAMEMS members who are current or recent Postgraduates or Early Career Researchers to attend the Professional Development Day. This includes members from New Zealand. The amount of funding available, and hence the number of bursaries funded, will be determined by the Event organising committee after they have considered all the applications. Bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis and applicants will be ranked according to distance travelled, financial need, current employment status, and access to other sources of funding.​

Current Postgraduates should be enrolled in higher degree research programs (MA by research or PhD) at the time of their application.

Early Career Researchers should have graduated from a higher degree research program (MA by research or PhD), and should not yet be employed in an ongoing academic position.

To apply for a bursary, please send an email titled 2022 ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day Bursary Application to Dr Marina Gerzic ( with the following information included in a Word document attached to the email (please do not send these details directly in the email itself):
Name, and affiliation (if any);
Type of bursary you are applying for, i.e., Travel or Carer;
Confirm whether you are a Postgraduate or Early Career Researcher;
Confirm that you are a financial member of ANZAMEMS for 2022;
A short budget (no more than 1/2 page) detailing the cost of attending the Event;
Details of any other sources of funding.

The closing date for bursary application is Friday 30 September.

Applications open: Rome Seminar, June 10-July 5, 2020

This seminar is designed to introduce graduate students from across the humanities to the unique primary sources available in Rome. Working hands on with materials in the city’s archives and libraries, students will be exposed to the rich potential of a wide range of sources produced from 1100 to 1750. Seminar meetings will be held at the Vatican Apostolic Library, the Biblioteca Nazionale, and the Archivio di Stato, and elsewhere. The seminar will also include a series of presentations by senior scholars who will discuss how they have collected and interpreted Roman primary sources in their own research.

Each successful applicant will receive a stipend of up to $3,500 to defray travel costs, housing, and meals in Rome. We welcome applications from students from any discipline at any stage in their graduate education. To be eligible to apply, you must be enrolled full-time in a graduate program. The focus of your research need not be Rome but you should have an interest in developing that research through the use of primary sources located in the city.

There are extraordinary and understudied materials in libraries and archives in the city for archeologists and classicists, art historians and historians, musicologists and students of theater and performance, historians of late antiquity, the Middle Ages, the early modern period and the world, specialists in the Near East and East Asia. The holdings of the Vatican Library alone include priceless manuscripts and documents from East Asia, the near East, and North Africa – as well as a vast collection of ancient, medieval and early modern texts in Greek and Latin, a unique resource for the history and literature of ancient Greece and Rome, of Christianity from its origins until recent times, of relations between Christians and Jews from antiquity onwards, and other subjects without number.

For more information, please visit the website:

ANZAMEMS PATS: Approaching Medieval and Early Modern Conflict

Approaching Medieval and Early Modern Conflict
ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar 2019
University of Queensland (St Lucia campus), 11–12 August 2019

Applications are invited from postgraduates and ECRs in Australia and New Zealand who would benefit from taking part in this year’s ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar, which will focus on the study of medieval and early modern conflict.

Day One will be comprised of four methodological workshops:

Conflict in Crusade Narrative (Dr Beth Spacey);
Conflict in Monastic Narrative (Assoc. Prof. Kriston Rennie);
Conflict and Material Culture (Prof. Megan Cassidy-Welch); and
Conflict in Early Modern Print Culture (Dr Charlotte-Rose Millar).

The sessions will be followed by a roundtable discussion for broader reflection on the study of historical conflict. The workshops are designed to expose participants to a variety of approaches towards conflict in a historical setting, to enable engagement with ‘research in progress’, and to develop skills in textual, visual, and material cultural analysis. This is also an opportunity for participants working on cognate topics to connect with academics, students and ECRs from UQ and beyond.

On Day Two, participants will attend the one-day symposium at UQ, Landscapes of Conflict and Encounter in the Crusading World. This symposium brings together medievalists working on diverse areas of crusading activity in Europe, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, to give papers on the relationship between landscape, conflict and encounter. By focusing in on a particular aspect of medieval conflict, this symposium will allow participants to build their own knowledge around the theme, while providing an opportunity to network with an international group of scholars in the field.

The costs of participants’ return airfare and accommodation will be covered by ANZAMEMS and the University of Queensland.

To apply, please send the following information to Prof. Megan Cassidy-Welch ( by 17 May 2019:

  • Your name, affiliation and status (i.e. currently enrolled MA/MPhil, PhD, or ECR within 5 years of completing a postgraduate degree);
  • A copy of your academic CV;
  • A c.300-word overview of your research, including reflection on how you might benefit from participation in this PATs;
  • Estimated cost of your return economy airfare to Brisbane.

Please direct any queries to .

Conference Masterclass: Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group

The Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group (PMRG) welcomes all who have an interest in the culture, life and history of medieval and early modern Europe. PMRG offers a forum to showcase local, national and international scholarship in the field by hosting seminar papers and presentations by local and visiting scholars throughout the year. The highlight of the year is the annual conference, attracting scholars of all stages from around the world to present their research. Themes in previous years have included such diverse areas as magic and marvels, houses, households and families and the world as stage.

To create more support for undergraduate and postgraduate students, PMRG member Laura Collier has developed a Conference/Abstract Masterclass to work in tandem with the Study Smarter Conference Workshop.

The Masterclass is designed to assist students with such things as crafting an abstract, sourcing CFPs, joining professional memberships, public speaking skills, and general conference information (such as what to wear, how to network and how to follow up on connections you’ve made once the conference in question is over).

What makes PMRG’s Masterclass unique is the opportunity for students to:

  • Present your abstract on the day, as though it were an actual paper being presented at a real conference.
  • Experience receiving questions during the question time following your paper (and also how to ask them!) and,
  • Have the unique opportunity to submit your abstract to the CFP for PMRG’s annual conference in October of this year, with a view that all students whose abstracts are within the realm of our conference’s topic, and who have attended our Masterclass, will be accepted to present. You will also then receive guidance on writing their paper between CFP acceptance and the conference itself.

The PMRG Masterclass will be held on Friday 5 April 2019, and will run from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The conference itself will be on Saturday 19 October, 2019, and will run for a full day. The theme for the conference is “Mental Health in the Medieval and Early Modern Worlds”.

The Masterclass is free for all to attend, however for catering purposes we are asking attendees to register by following this link:

For further information, please feel free to contact Masterclass organiser Laura Collier (

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