ANZAMEMS Committee Members engage in policy and advocacy work on behalf of the Association and its members.
The ARC, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ), and the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) undertook a joint review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC). Public consultation for the ANZSRC Review closed on 7 June 2019.
ANZAMEMS Vice-President (Australia) Clare Monagle (Macquarie University), and ANZAMEMS Committee members Louise D’Arcens (Macquarie University) and Helen Young (Deakin University) completed a submission for the ANZSRC review, on behalf of ANZAMEMS.
A copy of the ANZAMEMS ANZSRC review submission can be downloaded HERE.
Submission to the Australian Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry into Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018
A copy of the ANZAMEMS submission can be downloaded HERE.
Submission to the review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001
A copy of the ANZAMEMS submission can be downloaded HERE.
Executive Summary of the State of the Field report commissioned by ANZAMEMS,
The State of the Field report by Dr Katharine Blake is the main output of a mapping project undertaken from October 2019 to January 2020 by ANZAMEMS. The project aimed to map the impact and scope of MEMS on the Australian and New Zealand tertiary and research landscape to inform ANZAMEMS’ strategic agenda, responding to a gap in MEMS data.
A copy of the Executive Summary can be downloaded HERE.
Public Statement on ACU’s Change Plan (September 2023)
The Australia and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS) issued a public statement on 21 Sept 2023, urging management at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to reverse the proposed disestablishment of its Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) program, and its wider projected cuts to academic jobs across the Humanities as well as in Social Sciences and in Health.
A copy of the public statement can be read HERE.
You can also download a copy of the statement HERE.