
ANZAMEMS holds an international conference every second year. Each conference is hosted by a different Australian or New Zealand university and organised by a local committee of members.

Upcoming Conferences


The host of the Fifteenth Biennial ANZAMEMS conference will be The University of Melbourne.

The conference will be held on 3–5 December 2025.

The conference convenors are: Dr Matthew Champion, Dr Charlotte-Rose Millar and Dr Sarah Corrigan, all from The University of Melbourne.

Conference Website

The conference hashtag is #anza25

Bursaries and Prizes

Terms and conditions for bursaries and prizes offered in association with our Conferences can be found here.

Future Conferences

ANZAMEMS calls for Expression of Interests for its 2027 Conference. By convention, the next host would normally be a venue in Australia.

The ANZAMEMS Conference Policy can be downloaded here (Version effective 8 March 2024).

A copy of the Association’s Equity and Inclusivity Guidelines for ANZAMEMS Conference and Event Planners (Version effective 16 February 2018) can be downloaded from the Diversity and Equity page of the Association’s website.

Past Conferences

Information about past ANZAMEMS conferences can be found here.