Tag Archives: History of emotions

CfP: Unsettling Certainties, Conference of the Society for the History of Emotions

The call for papers for the Society for the History of Emotions’ Fourth Biennial Conference, under the theme ‘Unsettling Certainties’ is now open! The conference will take place at the University of Adelaide over 28 November to 1 December 2023

To live in uncertain times is to consider the possibilities of past, present and future anew. What was known, is reopened for question, and the possible futures built on such knowing become pressing concerns. Foundations are shaken, certainties unsettled, and people moved. The term ‘emotion’, with its etymological roots in the motions of public disturbance, is suggestive of the close affiliation between feelings, passions and embodied experiences and our encounters with certainty and its disruption. This conference, hosted by the Society for the History of Emotions, considers the theme of ‘Unsettling Certainties’ as an opportunity to explore how attending to emotion enables a richer understanding of the known and the unknowable, change and continuity, the fixed and fluid, crisis and stasis, past and future, not least as everyday and embodied experiences.

We call for proposals that address this theme, embracing a broad range of perspectives. Offerings might consider the theoretical, methodological and epistemological boundaries of emotions associated with certainty and uncertainty; shifting definitions and interpretations of emotions and emotion words; the social, economic, political and cultural dimensions of emotional encounters during certain and uncertain times, including changing values and beliefs, public disturbances, crises, and experiences of the ‘end of the world’; the evolving health and wellbeing impacts on individuals and groups, including in relation to gender, race, class and religion; the representation and reimagining of un/settled feelings in literature, art, music, philosophy and science; environmental and ecological perspectives; and creativity and imagination as responses to change and new futures. 

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, emotions in relation to:
– Certainty and the assured
– Risk, uncertainty and the unknown
– Security, comfort and stability
– Anxiety and worry
– Epistemologies and beliefs
– Imagination and boundaries of the real
– The natural and supernatural
– End of the old and encounters with the new
– Crisis, challenge and transformation
– Creativity, expression, and evolution
– Hope, activism and community building
– Moving places and fixed spaces
– Infirmity and death

We welcome submissions from scholars of all levels for any time period, geography, and scholarly discipline, including inter- and transdisciplinary contributions. Papers that do not address the core theme will be considered, but may be given a lower priority, if space is limited.

Proposals can take the form of:
– Individual papers of 20 minutes’ duration;
– 90-minute panels or roundtables, that should include time given to discussion; – Posters.

If you would like to propose an alternative format, please approach the organisers to discuss. We hope to offer a hybrid option for virtual attendees. Please note if you need this on your abstract.

Please send a Word document with a title and 250-word abstract for each paper/poster proposed and a two-sentence biography and email address for each speaker. For panels and roundtables, please also send an overarching title and short rationale and identify the main correspondent for communications.

Proposals should be emailed to unsettlingcertainties@gmail.com Deadline for call for papers: 1 March 2023

Conference organisers: Katie Barclay, Diana Barnes, Keagan Brewer, Sonia Cancian, Michael Champion, Vesna Drapac, Kirk Essary, Michael Heim, Grace Howe, James Kane, Meagan Nattrass, and Claire Walker

Postgraduate and Early Career Paper Prize

The best paper presented by a postgraduate or early career researcher will have the opportunity to win an essay prize worth $100 and to have an article based on the paper considered for publication in Emotions: History, Culture, Society.

Applicants must be within five years after award of the PhD (extended to seven years if not in stable university employment or with significant career interruptions).

To be considered for this prize, participants must signal their wish to be considered when they submit their abstract. They must also submit a written version of the paper by the 25 November 2023. Judges will base their decision both on the presentation and the written version received.

Attention Early Career Researchers!

Aspire to deliver a keynote lecture at a major international conference? We invite early career researchers (ECRs) to propose a keynote lecture addressing the conference theme. This scheme is open to all disciplines of expertise that address the conference theme, and to researchers in university employment as well as those who are not.

Applicants must:
• Have an outstanding track record relative to opportunity;
• Be within five years after award of the PhD (extended to seven years if not in stable university

employment or with significant career interruptions).

To apply, please submit a proposed titled, an abstract of 300-400 words, a bio and a CV (3 pages max) to unsettlingcertainties@gmail.com by 1 March 2023.

In selecting this keynote, consideration will be given to diversity and broad representation among the group of keynotes. We also reserve the right to seek third-party testimony as to the researcher’s capacity to speak and deliver scholarly presentations. The winning keynote lecturer will have flights, accommodation and registration covered. It is anticipated that an article based on the paper would be published in Emotions: History, Culture, Society, subject to peer review.

2022 ANZAMEMS Conference Registration!

This is just a reminder that registration for the 2022 ANZAMEMS Conference on Reception and Emotion is open! Registration will close on 24 June.

To register, please visit our conference website and click the big red ‘Register for the Conference’ button!

Please note, if you’re an ANZAMEMS member for 2022, you’re entitled to pay the discounted ANZAMEMS members’ rate. If you haven’t paid your 2022 membership fees, you can do so online here. If you’re unsure if you’ve paid for 2022, please contact us at info@anzamems.org.

CFP: Going Places, Mobility, Migration, Exile, Space and Emotions

Third Biennial Conference for the Society for the History of Emotions
Florence, 30 August – 2 September 2022

The Third Biennial Conference of the Society for the History of Emotions (SHE) will focus on mobility, migration, exile, traversing of space, and emotions. The current, at times heated debates about migration in Europe, Australia, North America and elsewhere necessitate a profound and critical historical contextualisation, especially from a history-of-emotions point of view. Hope, fear, hatred, empathy, all manner of feelings shape peoples’ movements around the globe and the ways in which newcomers are heartily welcomed, coldly brushed off or fiercely attacked. Using archival, literary and other sources, this conference will explore the emotions that motivate people to go elsewhere, and the emotional responses of displaced peoples and the communities they orbit and join.

We call for papers and panels investigating case studies that concern the movement of people and their feelings about places and other people, from homesickness to wanderlust, from belonging to estrangement. We also want to discuss the political, economical and emotional conditions that instigate transnational movements and inform how men and women cope with and react to these mobilities.

We’ll engage with how people who have been socialised in different emotional communities learn to read each other’s emotional gestures and utterances; and will examine the affective entanglement between diasporic communities, their homelands and host communities. In short, we aim to bring research on migration and mobility to bear on the historical study of emotions, and vice versa.

We shall accept papers and panels on the following topics, as well as other potentially relevant topics not listed below:
• explorers, travellers and tourists
• dynamics of emigration, immigration and remigration
• itinerant workers
• slavery and indentured labour
• movements of colonising and colonised subjects
• feelings of inclusion and exclusion, of longing and alienation
• letters and other means by which people maintain affective bonds across countries
• migratory experiences of racism and emotional coping strategies
• emotional practices and narratives of welcome or rejection
• memory, memoires, writing practices related to experiences of migration, displacement, exile
• literary and other accounts of emotional practices linked to separation, return, nostalgia, melancholy, etc.
Chronologically, papers can delve into the ancient, the medieval and early modern, or the modern period. In geographical terms we welcome contributions on local, regional or global mobilities in areas across the world. Transdisciplinary contributions are welcome.

We invite proposals for 20-minute papers. Proposals should consist of a title, abstract of up to 300 words and a short bio, to be sent via email as a pdf attachment to SHEFlorence22@gmail.com by 1 March 2022. We also accept proposals for panels of three papers, which should include all of the above for each presenter, a panel title and abstract for the panel itself and, if possible, the name and short bio of the panel chair.

Participants will be notified by late March 2022.



We invite scholarly proposals for papers on emotions and health in Shakespearean drama and related fields, as part of a panel or panels being established at ANZAMEMS 2022. The link to the main website and call for papers is here: https://www.anzamems2021.com/

The panel(s) will examine the topics of health, wellbeing, and emotions in Shakespearean drama and related fields and/or its reception today. In particular we welcome papers broadly relating to the discipline of health humanities. Papers should be set within the broader topic of the overall conference, and deal with questions of reception and/or emotion.

Papers might consider but are not limited to:
· The role of emotions in early modern health and drama and literature
· Well-being and emotional health in early modern drama and literature
· Illness and its expression in early modern drama and literature
· Ideas of emotional resilience and their reception today
· Social and cultural concepts of health in early modern drama and the modern inheritances
· Social and cultural constructs of well-being and illness in early modern drama and/or their modern inheritances
· Metaphors of health, well-being, and illness in early modern drama and/or their reception today
· The relationship between human health and the environment/ecology
· The body, ideas relating to the body, the performative body, and embodiment in Shakespeare and related fields
· Inheritances of those ideas of the body, the performative body, and embodiment in Shakespeare and related fields

We invite submissions for 15 minute presentations, which will be followed by 30 minutes of Q&A on the themes raised by all speakers on the panel. If you are interested in presenting your work, please send any questions, or otherwise the title, a 200 word abstract and a 50 word biography to Dr Bríd Phillips at brid.phillips@uwa.edu.au and Dr Claire Hansen at claire.hansen3@jcu.edu.au.

Deadline for Panel Submissions: 8 November 2021

The panel(s) will be held as part of the biennial conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, at the The University of Western Australia, Perth, 27 June to 1 July, 202