CFP: The Animate Cosmos in Cistercian Theology and Speculative Naturalism

The Animate Cosmos in Cistercian Theology and Speculative Naturalism

Contact: Jason R Crow (
Modality: In person
Spirituality of the world belongs to both creation theology and soteriology. Drawing on sources going back to the Timaeus, and on their lives with the Psalms, the Cistercians, dwelling in monastic microcosms, articulated Christological meaning for the world’s goodness in the lives of repentant sinners ranging from a world with beatific potential to a well-defined sense of the cosmos as good in itself and good for the soul that seeks divine unification. This panel seeks papers that explore what the cosmological understandings of world offer Cistercian theology, might offer contemporary philosophies of the environment, regardless of time period or location.

The deadline for paper proposals is Thursday, 15 September 2022.

Attachments include:
(1) Detailed list of sessions with descriptions and organizers’ contact information plus instructions
(2) Paper Proposal Form
(3) Instructions for submitting paper proposals to the Congress website (from WMU)
The official Call for Papers for the Congress and complete list of Congress sessions can be found here: