Category Archives: resource

Bloomsbury Medieval Studies

Bloomsbury has recently launched a new interdisciplinary digital resource, Bloomsbury Medieval Studies. It brings together high-quality secondary content with visual primary sources, an exclusive new reference work and object images into one cross-searchable platform, to open up the medieval world for students and scholars across this rich field of study.

This unprecedented platform comprises content from Bloomsbury and other leading publishers in the field, including I.B. Tauris, Amsterdam University Press and Arc Humanities Press – as well as medieval maps from the British Library and newly digitized incunabula from Senate House Library.

Users will benefit from instant, searchable access to a new and exclusively commissioned reference work, the Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages. Written by an international group of scholars, it offers a non-Eurocentric approach with articles including:

– Thematic overviews of intellectual discourse, migration and trade systems
– Primary source analyses of Maya Civilization, Japan and Korean Kingdom of Silla
– Core Case Studies of queens and powerful women of the Middle Ages.

The platform also provides full digital access to over 150 eBooks– ranging from primary texts to research monographs, companions, primary source readers and more.

Interested in finding out more?
Bloomsbury Medieval Studies will be available for 30-day free trials and can be purchased on a perpetual access basis. If you would like to register interest in a trial, or have any questions about the product please contact

The full press release including further details of resources available can be downloaded here.[gview file=””]

PARTHENOS Digital Humanities Training

The EU-funded PARTHENOS project has released an online teaching module, Digital Humanities and Heritage Science Research Infrastructures: New Approaches to the Study of Pre-Modern Manuscripts, which seeks to bring together knowledge and resources from Research Infrastructures and Humanities projects. The module will be of interest to scholars looking to apply Digital Humanities and/or Heritage Science methods to medieval and early modern manuscript studies. It was produced in collaboration with teams working at Nottingham Trent University (UK) and the University of Canterbury (NZ).

The module is part of the PARTHENOS Training Suite, which provides reusable training materials that can be accessed for free by students, lecturers, and anyone interested in issues and skills related to e-Heritage and Digital Humanities. More information about the PARTHENOS Project can be found here.

Locke Studies Journal

Locke Studies makes Vols 14-16 freely accessible online

We are pleased to announce that Vols 14-16 of Locke Studies (2014-16) are now freely available on the Locke Studies website. We will be continuing to add back issues to the website as quickly as we are able to prepare them. Eventually we will have the entire series of Locke Studies and The Locke Newsletter issues digitized and freely available. We thank you for your patience as we go through the process of digitizing the back issues; we expect that it will take some time to completely digitize, proof, and copy edit the older material that does not already exist in an electronic format. Hyperlinks to each article will be added to the entries in the Locke Bibliography as they are published online.

2017 Issue of Locke Studies

The 2017 issue is currently being printed and subscribers should expect to receive their copies in the near future. The table of contents is available via the website, but the PDFs of the articles will not be made available until Jan 2019. Beginning with the 2018 issue, all new content will be open access immediately upon publication. Here is the table of contents for the forthcoming 2017 issue of Locke Studies:

Recent Publications, pp. 5-38

Locke’s Orthography and the Dating of his Writings, pp. 39-47

A Puzzle in the Print History of Locke’s Essay, pp. 49-60

Locke’s Ontology of Relations, pp. 61-86

Locke on Individuation and Kinds, pp. 87-116

Toland and Locke in the Leibniz-Burnett Correspondence, pp. 117-141

Shaftesbury, Locke, and their Revolutionary Letter?, pp. 143-171

Locke and Hate Speech Law: A Critical Review, pp. 173-196

Locke’s Political Theology and the ‘Second Treatise’, pp. 197-232

Locke and the Churchill Catalogue Revisited, pp. 233-241

Call for Reviewers and Submissions

One of the advantages of moving to an open-access, electronic format is that we can expand our offerings of book reviews. We can now offer timely, desktop delivery of reviews of new works of interest to Lockeans. To receive notification of all new publications within Locke Studies, please register as a “reader” on the Locke Studies website. The aim is to rival the Notre Dame Philosophical Review in publishing high-quality reviews of interesting new books ranging across the entirety of Locke Studies’ wide ambit within four months of their publication. For now, we will be going back 6-9 months and building the pipeline of commissioned reviews. Individuals interested in writing book reviews for us should register as “reviewers” on the Locke Studies website, making sure to indicate your areas of expertise and interests. Authors and publishers wishing to make books of interest to Lockeans available for review can send materials to: Editor, Locke Studies / Department of Philosophy / 3130 Stevenson Hall / The University of Western Ontario / 1151 Richmond St. / London, ON N6A 5B8 / Canada.

We are seeking high-quality submissions on any aspect of Locke’s thought or his intellectual milieu and the thought of his contemporaries, broadly construed, for the 2018 issue of Locke Studies. Submissions may be made through the portal on the journal’s website. We are glad to receive original articles and scholarship as well as shorter discussion notes and research queries detailing archival finds, interesting points about Locke or Locke scholarship, or news of recent publication or ongoing research projects of interest to Lockeans. Shorter discussion notes and research queries are published via The John Locke Society blog and immediately disseminated via our social media as non-peer-reviewed publications. A list of all such publications will appear annually in Locke Studies.

The Art of Disagreeing Badly: Religious Dispute in Early Modern Europe – Exhibition available on interactive website

The Art of Disagreeing Badly: Religious Dispute in Early Modern Europe

Exhibition available on interactive website

The exhibition The Art of Disagreeing Badly: Religious Dispute in Early Modern Europe is now available on an interactive website.

The physical exhibition curated by Dr Stefan Bauer and Bethany Hume (York) was on display at the Old Palace, York Minster 15 November – 15th December 2016 and showcased the collections of the York Minster library, examining the role of religious polemic in the early modern period.  

England and the French Wars of Religion- 16th century Pamphlets held at York Minster Now Online

England and the French Wars of Religion- 16th century Pamphlets held at York Minster

Now online:

Dr Eric Durot, Marie Curie Research Fellow, exploring “The Outbreak of the Wars of Religion: a Franco-British History (1547-ca.74)has curated an exhibition of some of the York Minster Library’s rich collection of sixteenth-century pamphlets concerning English responses to and dimensions of the French Wars of Religion. A digital version of this exhibition has now been launched. For more on this research project see,

The French Wars of Religion (1562-98) were a conflict that pitted Catholics against Protestants. But the civil war was more than a religious war. It entailed rebellions against the crown, inter-communal violence and a struggle between moderate Catholics and radicals. It was a period in which there were new ideas formulated about the monarchy, religious toleration and civil living together.
   The French events were also a European phenomenon. Foreign powers were sucked into the conflict. Events there directly impacted England: many French Protestants took refuge across the Channel and Elizabeth I intervened militarily to support the Protestant cause. England’s main enemy, Spain, intervened to support the Catholic cause. The French Wars of Religion were of fundamental importance to the course of British History in another way. Many English Catholics supported the claim of the French princess, Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, to the throne of England. In the 1580s France became home to a community of English Catholic exiles, who plotted with French sympathisers to overthrow Elizabeth.
   These pamphlets are also a reminder of the explosion of print in the sixteenth century. They are relics of an emerging public sphere which laid the foundations for Britain’s own seventeenth-century civil wars and Revolution.

Special Collections, University of Otago Upcoming Activities

Two activities coming out of Special Collections, University of Otago.

Online link to the very successful Martin Luther and the Reformation exhibition, held earlier this year. What was exciting was the fact that most of the materials for the exhibition came from holdings within Special Collections, especially the Shoults Collection. As we like fostering collegiality, thanks to the Hewitson Theological Library, Knox College, and Prof. Peter Matheson (Theology and Religion) for supplementing the display with their own books.

The link:
500 years on. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation …
500 years on. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Online exhibition, University of Otago Library, Dunedin, New Zealand

The second is a link via OUR Archive to an inventory of Middle Eastern and Islamic books and manuscripts held at Special Collections. Again, most are from the Shoults Collection, and again there is collegiality. The inventory highlights a manuscript held at the Heritage Collection, Dunedin Public Library. Dr Daneshgar is now at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and he has almost completed a census of Middle Eastern and Islamic manuscripts throughout New Zealand. It will be a useful resource.

The link:

Cite this item: Daneshgar, M., & Kerr, D. (2017). Middle Eastern and Islamic Materials in Special Collections, University of Otago (Working Paper). Retrieved from
Permanent link to OUR Archive version:

2017 University of Otago Printer in Residence programme

A reminder that the 2017 University of Otago Printer in Residence programme at the Otakou Press Room, the University Library, is well under way. Like many of our past PIR programmes, the project is a collaborative one, featuring writer, editor, poet David Eggleton; the Dunedin-based artist Nigel Brown; and printer Dr John Holmes (of Frayed Frisket Press). Please drop by (if you can) and see the presses in action. There are 16 Eggleton poems, and about 10 images by Brown, forming the title: SNAP. It is printed on Zerkall paper in a limited edition of 100 copies only. The cost of a copy is $120.00 (incl gst). If you are interested in securing a copy, please let me know. I am sure interest will be high (

Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO)

The IMLS-funded Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) project at the Folger is thrilled to announce the beta launch of our free, searchable repository of manuscript images, metadata, and transcriptions.

Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) is a project of the Folger Shakespeare Library, funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), to provide scholars and the general public with convenient web access to transcriptions, images, and metadata for manuscripts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

EMMO provides high-quality images and consistent transcriptions for a variety of manuscripts, such as letters, diaries, wills, coats of arms, literary pieces, recipe books, miscellanies, and more. Making the rich content of these manuscripts available online enhances research capabilities in many disciplines by adding important sources for scholars to examine and also promotes the learning of paleography (the study of pre-modern handwriting methods).

For more information, and to access EMMO, please visit: