Tag Archives: Early career researchers (ECRs)

ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day

ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day
Wednesday 30 November 2022
The University of Melbourne (and online)
(Part of the Congress of HASS, https://www.chass.org.au/congress)

ANZAMEMS is excited to announce it will be running a Professional Development Day for postgraduates and early career researchers from both Australia and New Zealand at the upcoming Congress of the Council of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) in Melbourne, in late November 2022.

The event will be held both in person at The University of Melbourne, and online via Zoom on Wednesday 30 November 2022.

The ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day will assist postgraduate and ECR scholars in their development as researchers and provide opportunities to network with experts and other postgraduates working in similar fields. The program will offer a mix of career development and state of the field/s reflections. A detailed program and list of speakers will be announced shortly.

All attendees will be expected to abide by the ANZAMEMS Equity and Diversity policy (https://www.anzamems.org/?page_id=9826) and Covid-Safe procedures.

Registration for the ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day is required. Registration is FREE for all attendees.

To register to attend the ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day either in-person or online, please visit: https://www.trybooking.com/954218

Covid-Safe Event
Please note: Covid-Safe measures will be in place during the Event for those attending in person:
Free masks, RATs and hand sanitiser will be provided by Event organisers;
In-person attendees will be required to wear masks whilst indoors, and to provide proof of a negative RAT the morning of the Event;
ANZAMEMS strongly encourages individuals to remain up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations;
Covid-safe meal options for morning/afternoon tea and lunch will also be provided.

The Congress of HASS is a child friendly event. For more information about childcare options, please visit the Congress website: https://www.chass.org.au/congress.

Travel and Carer Bursaries
A limited number of Travel and Carer bursaries will be available to ANZAMEMS members who are current or recent Postgraduates or Early Career Researchers to attend the Professional Development Day. This includes members from New Zealand. The amount of funding available, and hence the number of bursaries funded, will be determined by the Event organising committee after they have considered all the applications. Bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis and applicants will be ranked according to distance travelled, financial need, current employment status, and access to other sources of funding.​

Current Postgraduates should be enrolled in higher degree research programs (MA by research or PhD) at the time of their application.

Early Career Researchers should have graduated from a higher degree research program (MA by research or PhD), and should not yet be employed in an ongoing academic position.

To apply for a bursary, please send an email titled 2022 ANZAMEMS Professional Development Day Bursary Application to Dr Marina Gerzic (info@anzamems.org) with the following information included in a Word document attached to the email (please do not send these details directly in the email itself):
Name, and affiliation (if any);
Type of bursary you are applying for, i.e., Travel or Carer;
Confirm whether you are a Postgraduate or Early Career Researcher;
Confirm that you are a financial member of ANZAMEMS for 2022;
A short budget (no more than 1/2 page) detailing the cost of attending the Event;
Details of any other sources of funding.

The closing date for bursary application is Friday 30 September.