The Four Courts Press Michael Adams Prize in Irish Medieval Studies

ASIMS announcement:

The Four Courts Press Michael Adams Prize in Irish Medieval Studies

●    This prize is announced and awarded annually at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo.

●    The prize is awarded for the best essay/article in Irish Medieval Studies published in a book or journal during the previous calendar year. This year’s prize, which will be awarded in May 2018, will be awarded for an essay/article published in 2017.

●      Only articles/essays written by members of ASIMS will be considered. Membership can be arranged via:  Membership dues are as follows:
Regular Membership: $50
Lecturer/Part Time Faculty: $30
Student Membership: $20

●      The prize is open to everybody, from students to senior academics.

●      Each entrant must submit his/her article on or by March 25th of the year of the prize ceremony (i.e., if you are entering the competition with an essay/article that was published in 2017 you must submit your entry for consideration on or by 25 March 2018).

●      The preferred submission format is PDF as an email attachment. If submitting by post, send four paper copies.

●      All submissions for the year 2017 should be sent before midnight, March 25, 2018 to:

Dr. Máire Johnson

Department of Social Sciences

Emporia State University

1 Kellogg Circle

Emporia, KS 66801 USA


●      The entries will be judged by a panel consisting of: (a) a representative of Four Courts Press; (b) a representative of ASIMS; and (c) a chairperson nominated by Four Courts Press and ASIMS.

●      The prize is a check to the value of US $500 from Four Courts Press. A summary of the article will be reprinted in EOLAS, the journal of ASIMS.