The Afterlife Of Cicero – Call For Papers

The Afterlife Of Cicero
The Warburg Institute
7–8 May, 2015

The Warburg Institute, the Institute of Classical Studies and the Department of Greek and Latin at University College London will be hosting an international conference on the afterlife of Cicero in London on 7–8 May 2015, organised by Peter Mack, Gesine Manuwald, John North and Maria Wyke.

We invite 40-minute papers about the impact of Cicero’s writings and personality on intellectual and cultural history, on the visual arts, philosophy, politics, rhetoric and literature. Since so much of Cicero’s writings is extant, they cover a wide variety of genres and topics, and we are also able to get a glimpse of his personality from his letters, Cicero has had an enormous influence on western culture. By examining a diverse series of significant case studies, the conference aims to make a contribution to assessing Cicero’s impact more fully. Papers dealing with any period between late antiquity and 1900 will be especially welcome. Aspects of particular interest include Cicero’s role for early Christian writers, in the middle ages, in the Ciceronian debate, for the American founding fathers and the French revolution, for the development of modern democracies and political rhetoric and in (early-)modern literature.

The conference will take place in the Warburg Institute; the proceedings will be jointly published by the two Institutes as Supplements to the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. We shall ask the authors for publishable versions of the papers three months after the conference.

If you have a suggestion for a paper that you would like us to consider, please submit a title, an abstract (of up to 300 words) and a brief CV (up to one page) by 11 July 2014 to: Jane Ferguson, The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB or warburg(at)