Call for Papers: 2024 ‘Crisis’ Special Issue
Deadline: 15 March 2024
Following our 2023 conference, Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies is inviting articles for peer review for its forthcoming special issue on the conference theme ‘Crisis’, scheduled for publication in late 2024. We welcome scholarly contributions of 5000-7000 words written for a non-specialist audience.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Social, political, historic, economic, ecological, psychological, or identity crises
- Theorising crises
- Media depictions of crises
- Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic studies
- War and conflict studies
- Extremism studies
- Disability studies
- The intersection of overlapping crises and their impact
- The ‘polycrisis’ or ‘everything crisis’
Limina also accepts unsolicited submissions of critical essays, long form literary reviews, and academically informed reflections from across Australia and the world. They can range from 3000-4000 words and must be written in a scholarly and professional manner abiding by Limina’s style guide. Subject matters can be broad for our general edition, but would need to dovetail with the theme of ‘Crisis’ for our special edition.
Limina encourages HDR students and early career researchers (ECRs) to submit papers.
Please submit your article as an email attachment in MS Word format or Rich Text Format (RTF) to by 15 March 2024.
In a separate document, please also provide:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your institutional affiliation
- The title of the article
- A 150-word abstract
- List a minimum of 6-8 words for your article
- A statement certifying that this article is not under consideration elsewhere
Please visit our website for further information on submissions and our style guide: