The Hakluyt Society awards an annual essay prize (or more than one, if the judges so decide) of up to a total of £1,000. The competition is open to any registered graduate student at a higher education institution (a university or equivalent) or to anyone who has been awarded a graduate degree in the past three years. If possible, the prize will be presented at the Hakluyt Society’s Annual General Meeting in London in June 2023.
Prizewinners will be invited to present a paper on the topic of their essay at a Hakluyt Society Symposium (in which case travel expenses within the UK will be reimbursed) and will also receive a one-year membership of the Society. Submissions for the 2023 prize are now invited, the deadline for which will be 30 November 2022. For further details, and instructions on how to submit your essay, please download the information sheet (which includes a style guide) at
Please forward any enquries about the scheme to