The ANZAMEMS committee is pleased to announce the launch of the Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize, which honours the work of Professor Constant Mews, FAHA, a former President of ANZAMEMS, and distinguished scholar in the medieval history of religions, intellectual history, and textual editing and translation.
The Prize is established to encourage and reward outstanding work by Early Career Researchers in Constant’s broad areas of scholarly interest.
Winners will receive A$1500 in prize money (or NZD equivalent), a travel bursary of A$500 to provide assistance in attending the ANZAMEMS Conference, a year’s membership of ANZAMEMS (including a subscription to its journal Parergon), and a place at the ANZAMEMS Conference Dinner (at which the Prize is to be announced).
Entry for the 2022 Prize opens on 7 March 2022 and closes on 3 April 2022.
Articles published between 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021 are eligible. Early online publication of articles will also be considered. The article must have been published online before the above cut-off date.
NB: Applicants who have previously applied for the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize and Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize, but were unsuccessful are eligible to apply for the Constant Mews Early Career Prize should they wish to apply.
For full details about the Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize and to apply for the prize, please visit the ANZAMEMS website: