The three ANZAMEMS publication prizes are now open!
Entry for all 2021 Prizes opened on 1 June 2021 and closes on 30 November 2021.
Philippa Maddern Early Career Researcher Publication Prize
The Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize will be awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the below date range.
Articles published between 1 January 2018 to 30 November 2021 are eligible. Early online publication of articles will also be considered. The article must have been published online before the above cut-off date.
More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.
The Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize application form can be downloaded here.
Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize
The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize is awarded to a postgraduate student for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the within the below date range.
More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.
The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize application form can be downloaded here.
Parergon Prize
In 2021 the Parergon Prize will be awarded to an emerging scholar for the best article-length scholarly work accepted to be published in Parergon during the three calendar years previous to the year in which the prize is offered. Eligible articles should have been accepted to be published in the period 2018–2020.
More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.
The Parergon Prize application form can be downloaded here.
Further information on all three Prizes can be found here. Please direct all queries regarding the Prizes to