Title: Poetic Supermen & Villains: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Masculine Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern North India & Nepal
Speaker: Chris Diamond
Date: Friday 2 September 2022
Time: 3:00-4:30pm AEST (UTC +10)
Venue: Zoom, Register here for link
Abstract: This presentation will explore how memory, music, and masculinity were packaged and transmitted across time and spaces in a uniquely Maithili manner. A thief in the night, a jilted lover, a noble king, and discerning princes – the heroes, villains, and characters that populate the landscape of early Maithili literature are compelling. These captivating characters and the language associated with their poetic tradition, Maithili, were formalised by the multilingual poet-scholar-saint Vidyāpati Ṭhākura (c. 1360-1450 CE). Full abstract here.
About the speaker: Dr Chris Diamond is a Lecturer at the School of Culture, History & Language in the ANU College of Asia the Pacific. Chris’ current project concerns the literary legacy of a medieval multi-lingual poet from the North Indian region of Mithila, Vidyapati (c. 1370-1450). His, at the time, new vernacular language of song and poetry became a standardized classical style across Nepal, the Eastern Gangetic Plains, Bengal, and further afield. Chris is currently working on a new edition and translation of some of the oldest manuscript that contain this poet’s songs and a critical analysis of the ways kings and brahmins in Nepal and Bihar employed them to project their own power and prestige.
Daily Archives: 25 August 2022
Reminder: ANZAMEMS Maddern-Crawford Network Event Academic experiences, transitions, support, leadership
Call for Expressions of Interest: ANZAMEMS Maddern-Crawford Network Event
Academic experiences, transitions, support, leadership
The ANZAMEMS Maddern-Crawford Network is delighted to host an in-person networking event for female/female-identifying/non-binary ANZAMEMS members.
This event aims to bring together academics at all career stages (full-time; part-time; casual; honorary; independent scholars; postgraduates) for a series of workshops and talks with the purpose of:
• Networking;
• Sharing career experiences and challenges;
• Learning about leadership;
• Creating support and mentoring opportunities for postgrads, ECRs, MCRs and senior scholars in MEMS disciplines.
The sessions will be arranged around themes including ‘experience’, ‘leadership’, ‘support’, and ‘transitions’ and will include ample opportunity for informal discussion.
Where: ACU St Patrick’s campus, East Melbourne, Victoria.
When: November 8-9, 2022.
Eligibility: Female/female-identifying/non-binary ANZAMEMS members at all career stages.
Support: A limited number of bursaries for flights and accommodation available for Australian and New Zealand participants without other forms of financial support. Lunch on both days, morning/afternoon tea on both days, and a dinner on the 8th November will be provided.
There are a limited number of places for this event.
Please send a short (one-page) CV together with a short expression of interest to Prof. Megan Cassidy-Welch by Monday 29 August 2022. Email: Megan.Cassidy-Welch@acu.edu.au
This event is generously supported by the Australian Catholic University’s Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program.