Dear all,
I am very happy to announce that Gothic Ivory Sculpture: Content and Context is now freely available to download or read online at This is the latest title to be published as part of the Courtauld Books Online series.
This volume gathers papers delivered at the conference of the same name co-organised by the Courtauld Institute of Art and the British Museum in 2014 and two papers from the previous 2012 conference co-organised with the Victoria & Albert Museum (articles by Michele Tomasi and by Elisabeth Antoine-König and Juliette Levy-Hinstin).
I would also like to draw your attention to a few recent publications:
– Jutta Kappel, Elfenbeinkunst im Grünnen Gewölbe zu Dresden (Dresden, 2017)
– Simonetta Castronovo, Fabrizio Crivello, Michele Tomasi (eds.), Avori Medievali. Collezioni del Museo Civico d’Arte Antica di Torino (Savigliano: L’Artistica Savigliano, 2016).
– Entries on ivory carvings and Embriachi work by Benedetta Chiesi and Michele Tomasi, in Andrea Bacchi and Andrea De Marchi (dir.), La Galleria di Palazzo Cini. Dipinti, sculture, oggetti d’arte (Venice: Marsilio, 2016), no. 61-77.
– A few papers on ivories (inevitably) in: Glyn Davies and Eleanor Townsend (eds.), A Reservoir of Ideas: Essays in Honour of Paul Williamson (London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2017).
– and also: J. Papp and B. Chiesi (eds.), John Brampton Philpot’s Photographs of Fictile Ivory (Budapest, 2016), in Hungarian… and English!
An exhibition not to be missed (… though I will)
The Ivory Mirror: The Art of Mortality in Renaissance Europe, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick (ME), 24 June – 26 November 2017
And accompanying catalogue:
Stephen Perkinson (ed.), The Ivory Mirror: The Art of Mortality in Renaissance Europe (New Haven: Yale University Press with the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 2017).
With best wishes,
Dr Catherine Yvard | National Art Library Special Collections Curator | V&A Museum | Cromwell Road | South Kensington | London SW7 2RL | 020 7942 2260 | @DrYvard