Receptions: 2017 Conference of the Australian Early Medieval Association – Call For Papers (Extended Deadline)

2017 Conference of the Australian Early Medieval Association
Australian National University, Canberra
21–22 April, 2017

Conference Website

This conference invites papers on the broad theme of the alterity of the Middle Ages. The state of being other or different–otherness–is at the heart of the reception theory and offers the opportunity to investigate the ways the Middle Ages have been received into the modern world; and the ways in which the Medieval world acted as conduit for the transmission of the Classical. We welcome any papers related to all aspects of the Late Antique and Early Medieval periods (c. 400–1150) in all cultural, geographic, religious and linguistic settings, even if they do not strictly adhere to the theme.

Abstracts of 250-300 words for 20-minute papers should be submitted via email to by the new deadline of 20 February, 2017.