Creative Devices for Asking Good Questions of Humans, Animals and Things – Workshop @ Curtin University (WA)

Creative devices for asking good questions of humans, animals and things: A CCAT Postgraduate Workshop with Vinciane Despret (Université de Liège, Belgium)

Date: Friday 25 November, 2016
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Curtin University

This workshop will focus on the task of devising good research questions. It will be particularly suited to postgraduate students working in animal studies, philosophy of science, cultural theory, art practice, or the history of emotions. Space is limited to 10 participants. If you are interested please send a maximum 1 page research proposal (suitable for discussion among the group) by Friday 30 September, 2016 to

Vinciane Despret is Associate Professor in the philosophy department of the University of Liège. Her work is in the history and philosophy of human psychology and animal ethology. Her books translated into English are: Our Emotional Makeup: Ethnopsychology and Selfhood (2004), Women Who Make a Fuss: The Unfaithful Daughters of Virginia Woolf (with Isabelle Stengers, 2014), and What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? (2016). Her titles in French include Naissance d’une théorie éthologique (1996), Quand le loup habitera avec l’agneau (2002), Hans, le cheval qui savait compter (2004), Être bête (2007), Bêtes et Hommes (2007), Penser comme un rat (2009), and most recently, Au bonheur des morts: Récits de ceux qui restent (2015). A recent issue of Angelaki was devoted to her work.