The Medici Archive Project

The Medici Archive Project is offering a new online educational program in Italian paleography and archival studies for the A.Y. 2015 – 2016. The course is comprised of two components: an online course, which is divided into three modules, and an onsite seminar in Florence.

Reflecting increased interest from scholars at every stage of their careers, but especially the needs of students attempting archival research in Italy for the first time, our new modular program will provide students with both a firm introduction to working in Italian archives and the confidence to read, understand, and use archival material as an integral part of their research.

The current offer is a redesign and expansion of our previous educational courses. For the first time, students can now pick and choose from diverse modules suited to their interests. Moreover, students will be taught using our new online teaching tool developed with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that allows students to collaborate online in the transcription of high quality digital reproductions of archival documents. The Fall semester will conclude with a standalone two-week seminar in Florence.

The syllabus can be found at:

Questions and queries should be addressed to:

Some financial aid may be available to successful applicants undertaking most or all of the four modules.