7th Annual Limina Conference – Call For Papers

Limina Conference 2012
Humanising Collaboration

7 June, 2012
University of Western Australia, Perth
Conference Website

To celebrate the launch of volume 18 of Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies the Collective is pleased to announce that:

The 7th Annual Limina Conference will be held on Thursday 7th June 2012 at the University of Western Australia, Perth, with supplementary events on the 6th and the 8th.

Call For Papers

The Limina Collective is calling for conference submissions from postgraduates and early-career researchers that explore the many facets of scholarly collaborations and interdisciplinary research in the twenty-first century Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference aims to foster a supportive environment in which current post-graduates and early career researchers can present their own research whilst investigating the complexities of scholarly cooperation.

Masterclass on ‘Socialising Research’ will be held on Friday the 8th.

To submit your proposal, please forward a 200-word abstract and brief biographical note as an attachment to the submissions form located at: http://tinyurl.com/7jxnwnq. If accepted, papers must be 20 minutes in length.

Please Note: $100 travel bursaries will be made available to successful international and interstate applicants at the discretion of the Limina collective.

Possible topics of discussion may be adapted to one of the following areas:

Connecting History and Culture: Research into Collaboration
This stream may include: collaborations that occur in primary sources, the study of texts or sources where individuals, groups, or nations work together. Texts or sources that challenge conventional ideas of how people interact and work together and what this interaction means for them, their society and wider humanity.

Transcending Boundaries: Research with Collaboration
This stream may include research drawing on approaches from multiple disciplines or research being conducted by two or more people. Further possibilities could include working with others, interdisciplinary approaches, co-authored books and journals, anthologies, government funded research projects. Papers being presented by multiple authors are especially encouraged.

Analysing Connections: Research on Collaboration
This stream may include: methodologies and practices of collaborative research, effects, costs and benefits of collaboration, motives for collaboration, information technology and collaboration, measuring collaboration, pedagogy, distinctions between collaboration and co-authorship.

Deadline for submissions: Friday 30th of March 2012 (with a possibility of extension to mid/late April – visit the conference website for details). **Edit**: The call for papers has been extended until the 30th of April.

Inquiries: limina@cyllene.uwa.edu.au