University of Queensland Summer Scholars Program at CHED – Call For Applications

The Centre for the History of European Discourses at the University of Queensland is accepting applications for advanced undergraduate/honours students interested in participating in the UQ Summer Scholars Program for 2013/14.

Details of the program, and how to apply, can be found at the following link:

Successful applicants will receive a weekly stipend in order to work half-time on their own research and half-time as a research assistant for the Centre for the History of European Discourses (CHED) during a residency of 6-8 weeks. Research areas are identified on the webpage, but we welcome applications from students in a variety of fields – e.g., History, Philosophy, Literature, and Cultural Studies – interested in producing an intellectual history research paper, advised by one of the postdocs or senior researchers currently at CHED.

Closing date for applications: 5pm, Friday August 30, 2012.