Koine and Biblical Greek Summer School

13 – 17 JANUARY, 2025

This five-day intensive school is for beginners who want to experience the excitement of reading parts of the Bible and early Christian literature in the original language.  We shall read extracts from the Gospel and Epistles, as well as some important passages from the Septuagint (the ancient Greek version of the Old Testament), as well as some pieces from the early Fathers of the Church and the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. 

This course is suitable for beginners, provided that they are willing to undertake preliminary work on the Greek alphabet (to be provided) before the course begins

Fr John Wall Community Library, in the rear of 31 Tower Road, New Town, Tasmania (about two kms from central Hobart – we will provide a map)

Monday 13 January to Friday 17 January 2025

9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day for five days

Tuition Fee $350 (concession available) includes workbook

Registrations are essential: email Dr David Daintree dccdain@gmail.com

Prior knowledge of Greek is not essential, but beginners are advised to purchase a self-instruction primer and work on the basics between now and the start of the course.  It is particularly important to begin the course with a comfortable recognition knowledge of the Greek alphabet, otherwise learning even basic grammar and vocabulary will be frustrating and inefficient.  Participants will never be embarrassed if their Greek is imperfect: the teaching method leaves the entire task of translation and exposition to the Lecturer. This approach has been useful to relative beginners as well as those who are more experienced.

Each intending participant should purchase, as soon as possible, a primer of New Testament Greek.  There are many available, but a good choice is Gavin Betts, Complete New Testament Greek: A Comprehensive Guide to Reading and Understanding New Testament Greek with Original Texts.  Langenscheidt’s pocket Greek Dictionary is also useful.

The Lecturer is Dr David Daintree who founded the Annual Latin Summer School in Hobart in 1993.   Proceeds from this course will go to support The Christopher Dawson Centre.  To enrol and for further information contact David Daintree at dccdain@gmail.com.