Dr Victoria Flood (University of Birmingham) will be visiting The University of Western Australia later this month. Dr Flood’s visit is supported by the Institute of Advanced Studies and Medieval and Early Modern Studies at UWA.
As well as being one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming ‘Monsters’ conference to be hosted in part at UWA (from 6–9 September), Dr Flood will also give two public lectures later this month. Please circulate the details amongst your networks. All are welcome!
Witchcraft and Communities of Wonder: From Gervase of Tilbury to the Malleus Maleficarum
Date: Wednesday 24 August 2022
Time: 7:00pm (AWST)
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 8 (ALR8, 160), First Floor Arts Building, The University of Western Australia
Enquiries: marina.gerzic@uwa.edu.au
More details: https://www.historyofemotions.org.au/events/witchcraft-and-communities-of-wonder-from-gervase-of-tilbury-to-the-malleus-maleficarum/
An Emotional History of Place: Alderley Edge and the Dead Man
Date: Monday 29 August 2022
Time: 6:00pm (AWST)
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 4 (ALR4, G60) Ground Floor Arts Building, The University of Western Australia
Enquiries: marina.gerzic@uwa.edu.au
More details: https://www.historyofemotions.org.au/events/an-emotional-history-of-place-alderley-edge-and-the-dead-man/