Daily Archives: 16 December 2016

Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Conference: From Far & Wide: The Next 150 – Call For Papers

“From Far & Wide: The Next 150″
Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Congress 2017
Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario
27-29 May, 2017

The 2017 conference of the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies will be hosted by Ryerson University in Toronto as a part of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The theme for Congress 2017, the year of Canada’s sesquicentennial, is “From Far & Wide: The Next 150.” The CSRS invites members to submit proposals that address this theme in relation to the early modern period, or on any Renaissance topic in a variety of disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, music, art history, history of the book, bibliography, digital humanities, medicine, and cultural studies. Cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary proposals are also welcome.

Proposals can be submitted in either English or French, and should fall into one of the following categories:

  1. an individual proposal (maximum 300 words) for a 20-minute paper
  2. a panel of three proposed 20-minute papers on a shared theme (to be submitted in one file including the names and institutional affiliations of the organizer and participants, the proposed title of the session, and 300-word abstracts of the three papers)
  3. a workshop or panel discussion (to be submitted in one file including the names and institutional affiliations of the organizer and proposed panelists, the proposed title of the session, and a 300-word paragraph outlining the focus and goals of the session, as well as the anticipated contributions of participants)

Please note that this year the deadline for submitting a proposal is: 15 January, 2017 (for individual proposals and completed panel proposals).

Please submit your proposal or proposed panel to Dr. Katie Larson, 2017 CSRS/SCÉR Program Chair, at this email address, no later than 15 January, 2017: csrs.scercongress2017@gmail.com.