Daily Archives: 2 November 2016

Pembroke College (Cambridge): Trebilcock-Newton Trust Research Fellowship – Call For Applications

Pembroke College, Cambridge
Trebilcock-Newton Trust Research Fellowship

Location: Cambridge
Salary: £22,494 to £25,298
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Contract / Temporary

The College hopes to elect not later than 14 March 2017 to the following Fellowship with appointment from 1 October 2017: The Trebilcock-Newton Trust Research Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Candidates should have recently completed or be about to complete a doctoral degree. The duration of the Fellowship will be for three years. The holder will be expected to do a limited amount of teaching for the College, but would require the permission of the Governing Body to undertake other paid work. The stipend currently ranges from £22,494 to £25,298 and is reviewed annually.

Research Fellows are offered subsidised accommodation, in College or in College-owned flats or houses; where accommodation is not required the Trebilcock-Newton Research Fellow will be provided with a study in College.

Applications, which are due by 25 November, 2016, should be made online at http://www.pem.cam.ac.uk/the-college/job-vacancies, where further particulars and relevant links are available. Informal enquiries can be made to the Senior Tutor’s Assistant, Sally Clowes, at sts@pem.cam.ac.uk.

Cities and Citizenship in the Enlightenment: 2017 ISECS Seminar for Early Career Scholars – Call For Papers

Cities and Citizenship in the Enlightenment / Cité et citoyenneté des Lumières
2017 ISECS Seminar for Early Career Scholars
Université du Québec, Montreal
11–15 September, 2017

The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) is pleased to announce the 2017 International Seminar for Early-Career Eighteenth-Century Scholars. Colleagues from all fields of eighteenth-century studies are invited to submit abstracts for this one-week event. Formerly called the East-West Seminar, the International Seminar for Early-Career Eighteenth-Century Scholars brings together young researchers from a number of countries each year. The 2017 meeting will take place in Montreal, Canada and will be organized by the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) and the Research Group on the History of Sociabilities (RGHS).

The seminar will be held from Monday, September 11 to Friday, September 15, 2017 in Montreal, under the direction of Pascal Bastien (History, UQAM), Marc André Bernier (Literature, UQTR), Sébastien Charles (Philosophy, UQTR), Peggy Davis (Art History, UQAM), Benjamin Deruelle (History,UQAM), Geneviève Lafrance (Literature, UQAM), Laurent Turcot (History, UQTR).

The seminar will also be an opportunity to pay tribute to Professor Robert Darnton (Harvard University), former president of ISECS as well as co-founder, with Jochen Schlobach (1938–2003), of the East-West Seminar.

The theme this year’s seminar will be Cities and Citizenship in the Enlightenment. The ISECS International Seminar for Early Career Scholars will engage discussions on the forms, representations and modalities of political action and social and political identities in the eighteenth century. ‘Citizenship’ in the eighteenth century did not yet encompass the notions of property rights, equality before the courts, or even the electoral system of political representation. The result of a process rather than a status, urban citizenship can be understood as an appropriation of the urban space, the sociabilities found therein, and, fundamentally, civic culture within a civil society. The study of citizenship should not, therefore, be restricted to nationality and naturalization. Is the public space strictly an urban space? How should we understand political dynamics, collective emotions and urban citizenship in eighteenth-century cities?

If the Marxist undertones of the Habermas model have been questioned over the years, the notion of ‘public space’ still retains its significance and relevance. The questions surrounding language, verbal exchanges, and discourse in general remain at the center of the reflections by historians of society and class consciousness. At the crossroad of texts, discourses and practices, sociability is the field of enquiry for those who wish to grasp the different forms of public opinion and citizen commitment, especially within eighteenth-century urbanization. A detailed description of this theme is available online.

The seminar is limited to 15 participants. The proposals (approx. 2 pages, single spaced) should be based on an original research project (e.g. a doctoral dissertation) which addresses one of the aspects mentioned above. Because this is a seminar rather than a conference, each participant will be given approximately one hour to present the texts and questions that will then form the basis of a group discussion. Preference will be given to scholars who are at the beginning of their academic career (PhD or equivalent for less than six years). The official languages are French and English.

Accommodation costs will be covered in full by the organizers, who will be responsible for reserving hotel rooms. Other travel costs are currently under evaluation for a grant from the Government of Canada. If the seminar should benefit from such funding, airline tickets and other living expenses (lunches and dinner) may also be covered.

As it is the case each year, the proceedings of the seminar will be published by Honoré Champion (Paris) in the Lumières internationales series.

Applications should include the following information: a brief curriculum vitae with date of PhD (or equivalent); a list of principal publications and scholarly presentations; a brief description of the proposed paper (approx. 2 pages, single-spaced); and one letter of recommendation. Colleagues are invited to submit proposals by January 30, 2017. Please send abstracts by e-mail to Pascal Bastien: bastien.pascal@uqam.ca.