Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

Public Statement on ACU’s Change Plan

The Australia and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS) urges management at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to reverse the proposed disestablishment of its Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) program, and its wider projected cuts to academic jobs across the Humanities as well as in Social Sciences and in Health. We are particularly dismayed by the planned damage to our field, which in recent years had greatly benefited from the work of brilliant ACU colleagues, and the university’s innovative strategic vision for investment in the humanities.

MEMS research at the ACU is interdisciplinary, conducted by scholars in the named program as well as the Gender and Women’s History Centre, Religious Studies, and Literary Studies. It is particularly clustered in disciplines targeted for job losses, the effects of which will be keenly felt by all staff. With current work from scholars in targeted positions on urgently topical matters including hope, humility, and faith in secular times, queer medievalism, and the history of conspiracy theories and racism, MEMS research at the ACU exemplifies the need for historically-informed approaches to understanding modern and contemporary life and addressing its most pressing problems. Moreover, MEMS scholars’ research on Reformation history and theology, medieval and early modern religious histories, the history of the crusades, women’s spirituality and writing, crucially supports the university’s engagement with the Catholic intellectual tradition. The collective and individual work of MEMS scholars across multiple disciplines has continued to deliver new energy and critical visibility to the ACU’s values-based commitment to human dignity, the common good and to equity, diversity, accessibility, wellbeing and sustainability.

If the ACU is committed to continuing the Catholic intellectual tradition by its mission, and to “building on the ancient tradition which gave rise to the first universities in medieval Europe” as articulated in its Faith and Values statement, then MEMS must be central to its vision.

Further, ANZAMEMS wishes to emphasise the extreme dissonance between the proposed plans and ACU’s state mission to act “in Truth and Love” and to be “committed to human dignity.” The lack of any acknowledgement of the human impact on lives, careers, and wellbeing of staff that remain as well as those who may lose their jobs as a result of the Change Management Plan suggests that this guiding statement has been forgotten in the implementation of an ill-considered managerial process.

National and international MEMS experts, including ANZAMEMS members, were recruited to the ACU in recent years as part of a dedicated project to strengthen its research profile and contributions in the humanities and social sciences. They joined the institution in good faith. Some left tenured positions at other institutions, some relocated internationally, some were offered exciting opportunities to develop their promising careers. All now face intense distress and uncertainty with career curtailment and ruin on the near horizon for many. The speed of reversal from recruitment to redundancy must call into question any commitment the ACU makes to academics and their personal and professional wellbeing. This is particularly the case for the entire MEMS team who have been targeted in the current plan.

The ACU’s investment in the Humanities in general and MEMS in particular made it distinctive in the Australian tertiary landscape, offering invaluable clusters of disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise that were promising to colleagues nationally and internationally as well as to those who went to work there. ANZAMEMS was proud to award funding for a career-building initiative for academic women in 2022, and a training workshop for Australian and New Zealand postgraduates in 2023, both hosted by the MEMS program. In the future, if these changes are implemented, ANZAMEMS and other potential partner organisations will find it difficult to commit to working with the ACU as a result of this sudden and unheralded change in circumstances.

ANZAMEMS stands in solidarity with all staff at the ACU, both academic and professional, and urgently calls on the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and ACU Senate and Corporation to change these plans which attack MEMS in particular, the humanities in general, and undermine the ACU’s mission and values.


Dr Helen Young

President, the Australia and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Download a copy of this statement as a PDF.

ANZAMEMS Reading Group

The next session of the semester 2 ANZAMEMS ECR/Postgraduate reading group is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, on the topic “Violence and Behavioural Control.”

Please find all further details, including the session reading and time, in the attached schedule. Email / with any questions.

ANZAMEMS Publication Prizes Open

We are pleased to announce that four ANZAMEMS publication prizes are now open for applications. All prizes are valued at AUD 1000.

Entry for all prizes closes on Monday 30 October 2023, 5:00pm (AWST).

Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize

The Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize will be awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in Constant’s broad areas of scholarly interest: the medieval history of religions, intellectual history, and textual editing and translation, published between 1 January 2022 and 31 August 2023 (inclusive of early online publication).

Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize

The Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize is awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published between 1 December 2021 and 31 August 2023 (inclusive of early online publication).

Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize

The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize is awarded to a postgraduate student for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published between 1 December 2021 and 31 August 2023 (inclusive of early online publication).

Anne M. Scott Parergon Journal Prize

The Anne M. Scott Parergon Journal Prize is awarded to an honours student, postgraduate student, or Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work published in Parergon between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022.

Further information on eligibility and application processes can be found here. All prize-related queries should be directed to

2023 ANZAMEMS Early Career Fellows Announced

In 2023 ANZAMEMS will fund three Early Career Fellowships to support the development of early career researchers in pursuing advanced research and publication in medieval studies, early modern studies, and medievalism.

We are very excited to announce the following scholars have been appointed ANZAMEMS Early Career Fellows for 2023.

  • Dr Matthew Firth (Flinders University): ‘Medieval Life Writing and the Construction of Reputation’
  • Dr Roberta Kwan (Macquarie University/University of Sydney): ‘Ancient Ethic for Uncertain Times: Reimagining Neighbourliness with Shakespeare’
  • Dr Amy Sinclair (The University of Melbourne/Deakin University): ‘Risk and Dissimulation in Early Modern Feminism’

Prizes and Bursaries: ANZAMEMS Conference 2024

The prizes and bursaries for ANZAMEMS 2024 in Canterbury, New Zealand are now open, these include:

  • George Yule Essay Prize
  • ANZAMEMS Conference Bursaries
  • ANZAMEMS Carer Bursaries
  • Kim Walker Postgraduate Travel Bursary
  • Maddern Crawford Network Conference Bursaries

Applications will close Friday 6 October 2023 (11:59pm AWST).

Guidelines and application Forms for the George Yule Prize and all the conference-related bursaries can be found on the ANZAMEMS website.

Details will also be updated shortly on the ANZAMEMS 2024 Conference website:

Please note that there is only ONE application form for all the conference bursaries. If you wish to apply for more than one type of bursary, please use the same application form – do not submit multiple forms.

Should you have any questions, please contact

Bursary: Centre for the History of Emotions (ANZAMEMS Conference)

The Centre for the History of Emotions at the University of Western Australia, and the Australian Chapter for the Society of the History of Emotions, are pleased to offer a limited number of travel bursaries (of a minimum of $500AUD) to scholars presenting on any emotions-related topic at the 2024 ANZAMEMS Conference in Christchurch, NZ. HDR students and Early Career Researchers (PhDs completed within the past 7 years) will receive priority, as will those presenting on the conference theme, but everyone with an emotions topic is encouraged to apply. Offers of bursaries are conditional on acceptance of papers.

Applications should include an abstract of the paper to be presented, a short bio explaining the applicant’s status (HDR, ECR, etc.) in academia, and a short CV.

Applications and any queries should be directed to Kirk Essary at

Deadline: 1 October.

CFP: Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Biennial Conference 2024

ANZAMEMS Conference 2024
Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand
8 – 11 February 2024

Legacies and Relevance: Exploring the Medieval & Early Modern World Beyond Europe

What is the role of the medieval or Early Modern scholar in Australasian society?

How does pre-modern European History “add value” in Australasia? Is its study the vestige of an outdated colonial legacy? Or is it something else? Where does it stand in a world of toppled statues and questioned legacies? In the face of an Australian government overtly committed to defunding the Arts and a New Zealand government with similar aims (but a less confrontational way of putting it), should we now re-focus the curricula of universities across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand on what matters? But what does matter? And who should decide?

In the wake of a global pandemic, which has re-written “business as usual,” is it time for a reformation or for holding fast? This conference will showcase the best of scholarship across a range of disciplines pursued by medieval and Early Modern scholars, but will also seek to ask complex and challenging questions about the future of our discipline. Can the study of medieval and Early Modern Europe help to meet the needs of our times? What is the role of the medieval or Early Modern scholar in Australasian society? Indeed, what was it? In considering these issues, we encourage the exploration of questionable as well as positive legacies, and offer a forum to consider the possible future(s) of our discipline.

Call for papers now open; submissions due Friday 15 September 2023

To submit your abstract for consideration please visit the 2024 ANZAMEMS Conference submission portal.

Additional information can be found on the conference website.

ANZAMEMS Reading Group: Semester 2 Schedule

The convenors of the ANZAMEMS reading group are pleased to provide the below confirmed schedule for Semester 2 2023.

The first session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 4; please find all further details, including the session topic and hour, in the schedule.

The organisers are still interested to hear from members who may be interested in leading one of the listed sessions, for which readings have already been selected. Please email / if you would like to participate in this way.

ANZAMEMS Reading Group: Semester 2 2023

The ANZAMEMS ECR/Postgraduate Reading Group discusses the latest research in medieval and early modern studies, with the aim of promoting engagement with emerging and established fields of inquiry in MEMS research.

Virtual sessions of the reading group will take place via Zoom monthly between June and October/November 2023. Each session will take one or two recent articles or chapters related to a certain topic/methodological approach/trend in MEMS scholarship, and feature a short presentation from an ANZAMEMS member (whose own research is ideally in the vicinity of their chosen session theme), followed by questions-led discussion.

The reading group will be co-convened by Emma Rayner (PhD candidate, ANU) and Emily Chambers (PhD candidate, University of Nottingham).

We hope to foster a convivial and intellectually productive online space—think advanced graduate seminar!—where we can come together to talk all things MEMS research in a fairly informal manner, while expanding our networks or strengthening existing connections. Everyone is welcome, including more senior members of ANZAMEMS.

ANZAMEMS members who are interested in leading a session based around one of the below themes or a topic of your own selection, AND/OR who are interested in providing a short write-up of a session for a planned ANZAMEMS postgrad blog, please email / no later than June 16, 2023.

A finalized schedule and Zoom link will be circulated ahead of our first meeting for the semester on June 27.

Possible session themes include:

  • Periodization
  • Affect / emotion studies
  • Critical race studies
  • Cultures of materiality
  • Ecocriticism
  • Comparative / transnational studies
  • Travel and cultural encounter
  • Visual culture
  • Religion, religious culture
  • Borders, borderlands
  • Language and translation
  • Genealogies
  • Geography, cartography
  • Rhetoric
  • Poetics
  • Epistemologies
  • Historiography
  • Time and temporality
  • Performance studies
  • Knowledge production
  • Humanism
  • Virtue, vertu
  • Cultures of collecting
  • Book history
  • Afterlives, reception studies
  • Adaptation
  • Digital Humanities
  • Manuscript studies
  • Incunabula
  • Intellectual networks
  • Devotional communities
  • Reading, coteries
  • Marginalia
  • Disability studies
  • Canonicity
  • Gender studies
  • Class studies
  • Archives
  • Methodologies
  • Pedagogy