Category Archives: short course

CFP: Summer School Relations and Relationality in Romance Literatures and Cultures (deadline extended)

Summer School: Relations and Relationality in Romance Literatures and Cultures
10-14 September, 2019
University of Rostock
Rostock, Germany

The last decade has been marked by the abundant emergence of dating applications and websites. As veritable markets of promises, they function as digital matchmakers: Offering to users a potential range of matches in the shape of a multitude of different profile-personae they can like or dislike, contact, meet and even fall in love or spend an adventure with. It is in this sense that networking does not only dominate the professional arena and carrier strategy but also the pursuit of personal and individual happiness. The development of a singular personality reveals itself in this sense – paradoxically enough – as an act of absorption of the self into a social network.

Online dating seems to substitute the love letter and gallantry with a new form of relationality, at the same time connected to the self and the other, that is appropriate to the life of the digital natives. Relationality can consequently be considered a contemporary cultural paradigm of mutual connectedness and self-unfolding alike.

The summer school seeks to conceptualize the notion of relationality as sociocultural vector with its own aesthetic performativity. Taking the virtual encounter and the affective inter- und intramedia exchange of personae as a starting point, the summer school will systematically and diachronically analyze intermedia relations in which personae are involved, their intramedia filiations, their generic and aesthetic effects as well as their performative influence on the conception of social relations in everyday life.

The following questions shall serve as examples:

  • What are the possibilities of relation and relationality between texts and media? How does their interdependence influence the reception and production of texts? How have they evolved in literary, cultural and media history? How have they been transformed?
  • What are aesthetic strategies to establish relations between intramedia characters? How are relations between readers and media established?
  • Is aesthetic relationality created through the process of reading or already inherent to the aesthetic artefact itself?
  • How are ways of reading and ways of living intertwined? Can re-readings of relationality pave the way for understanding/deconstructing e.g. gender inscriptions in mediatized relations? 
  • How can transformations of relationality be described in relation to cultural, literary and media history and transformations?
  • What is the relationship between mediatized relationality and everyday life?

The summer school invites (post-)doctoral researchers as well as advanced master students in Romance literary and cultural studies and affiliated subjects (art history, theater and performance studies, philosophy, social sciences etc.) whose current research project responds to the proposed topic.

Participants will not only be able to work with experienced researchers and specialists in the field of affect theory, intertextuality and performance studies, but also be able to discuss their current research project and give a paper on a topic inspired by the call.


    Hermann Doetsch (Munich)

    Nanette Rißler-Pipka (Tübingen)

    Mirjam Schaub (Berlin/Halle)

    Tanja Schwan (Leipzig)

    Philipp Wüscher (Berlin)


Please provide a short biography, a one-page description of your current research project as well as a short abstract (max. 300 words) for a paper (20min) that will be given during the conference. Main working language will be German, papers can also be given in any Romance language and English. Applications open until 23 June (deadline extended).

Apply at:

Participants will be contacted by mid-July. Generous funding for travel and accommodation is guaranteed.

Organizing team

    Christoph Behrens (Rostock)

    Christoph Groß (Rostock)

    Valerie Kiendl (Würzburg)



Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Digital Humanities Workshop @ UWA

A Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Digital Humanities Workshop

Date: Saturday 16 June 2018

Venue: Collaborative Learning Studio, Arts 2.13, Arts Building, The University of Western Australia

Contact: Pam Bond (

There are limited places remaining, so please email an expression of interest from the following website as soon as possible:

More info:

This workshop for postgraduates and ECRs provides an opportunity to explore and gain familiarity with some of the key techniques and methodologies of computational research in the humanities, with a focus on the needs of medievalists and early modernists. It is structured around a supportive lab-based environment, learning from scholars with ongoing digital humanities projects in the history of emotions.


Dr Jane-Heloise Nancarrow is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia. Her research focuses on the application of 3D digital technologies for cultural heritage, the legacy of Rome in the high middle ages, and spolia and memory in cross-cultural contexts. Dr Nancarrow led the 2016 digital heritage project Emotions3D: Bringing Heritage to Life supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (1100-1800), and was a co-convenor of the AVRL augmented and virtual reality group. Her forthcoming monograph Ruins to Re-use will be published by Boydell and Brewer in 2019.

Dr Carly Osborn is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions based at The University of Adelaide, with a special interest in rituals, bodies, and emotions. Her recent publications include the edited collection Does Religion Cause Violence? Eds. Hodge, Cowdell, Fleming and Osborn (Bloomsbury 2017). She has won multiple awards including the South Australian Emerging Historian of the Year and The University of Adelaide Doctoral Research Medal. She will present on ‘The Vault, a digital computer game, available in full VR 3D, that explores the History of Emotions.

Dr James Smith is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub, working on a project entitled ‘Conduits of Faith: Deep Mapping Medieval Spiritual Waterscapes’. His first monograph is entitled Water in Medieval Intellectual Culture: Case-Studies from Twelfth-Century Monasticism (Brepols, 2018). James is also the editor of The Passenger: Medieval Texts and Transits (punctum books, 2017), and co-editor of a forthcoming themed collection of the Open Library of the Humanities on “New Approaches to Medieval Water Studies”.

Dr Deborah Thorpe is EU COFUND Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub Fellow, working on a project entitled ‘Old Hands: A Palaeographical Study of Ageing Medieval and Early Modern Scribes’. The research project works within the fields of the digital humanities, electronics and computer science, and promises a wider and more diverse understanding of medieval scribes.

Due to limited access to the technologies involved, this workshop will be limited to 20 participants. Applicants should submit an expression of interest in attending at this stage to

Sponsored by a UWA Learning and Teaching Performance Initiative Grant (awarded to the late Prof. Philippa Maddern) and the UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies.

Celtic Learning study days: Bede and The Book of Kells

Two upcoming study days from the Australian School of Celtic Learning

Saturday 19 May: The Venerable Bede study day

The Venerable Bede wrote his famous Ecclesiastical History of the English People early in the eighth century. This, together with his other writings, is one of our main sources of information about the English and Celtic regions in the seventh and eighth centuries. In this study day, we will look at the world Bede lived in, from Anglo-Saxon and Celtic perspectives. We will explore his interests and writings in history, biography and science. We will discover more about the people he knew and the people he wrote about.

9.30-11.00 – Celtic/Anglo-Saxon churches
11.30-1.00 – Bede’s Ecclesiastical History
1.30-3.00 – Bede’s Lives of saints
3.30-5.00 – Bede’s scientific works

Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

AU$95     $65 student/unwaged
includes morning and afternoon teas, light lunch and booklet
Venerable Bede study day registration form

Saturday 2 June: The Book of Kells study day

The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript of the four Gospels in Latin, dating from around 750 CE. It is one of Ireland’s greatest treasures. In this lavishly illustrated study day, we will look at the background of the Book: where was it made, in what circumstances, and what happened to it? We will then examine the decoration of the Book, considering the different artistic influences on it, its place in the Insular manuscript tradition, the pigments and how they were made.

9.30-11.00 – St Columba and the church
11.30-1.00 – Iona and Kells
1.30-3.00 – the Book of Kells
3.30-5.00 – artistic influences on the Book

Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

AU$95     $65 student/unwaged
includes morning and afternoon teas, light lunch and booklet
Book of Kells study day registration form

ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellowship Mentoring Scheme at the University of Melbourne

This scheme is fully funded by the Australian Research Council and is a part of Professor Joy Damousi’s ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellowship. It will be offered annually for the next 5 years. The aim is to attract outstanding early career female researchers who have completed their PhDs within the past 10 years in the humanities and the social sciences to an intensive mentoring programme. All travel and accommodation costs to Melbourne will be covered.

Applications for the 3-7 December program are now open. Applications close 14 May 2018, 5PM (AEST) For more information and to apply, go to

The focus of this programme is on research leadership and conducting best practice in research activity. It will involve workshops on all aspects of developing a research career: preparation of publications such as articles and books; writing grant applications; developing networking opportunities; honing presentation and public speaking skills; and conducting ethics in research. It will involve participants presenting their research; commenting and providing feedback on drafts; and exposing participants to a variety of speakers who would share their own experiences. In addition to these practical activities and direct mentoring of their own research projects, this programme will also offer participants an exploration of a range of skills such as developing career strategies and enhancing career progression. Over five days, the participants will gain insight into these aspects of career advancement and cover the following themes: focusing on issues confronting women researchers; identifying career opportunities; engaging in national and international research environment; managing institutional change and developing time management skills. The programme aims to reach outside of institutional boundaries to develop broad professional supportive networks that will assist those committed to fully developing their research career.

Enquiries: email

History of the Celts in 20 Objects Study Day

Saturday 21 April, Australian School of Celtic Learning,

The Celts are defined linguistically, and yet we are able to associate a vast collection of objects, decorative and utilitarian, with Celtic culture over more than two millennia.  An attempt to define the history of the Celts through such a small sample as twenty objects is doomed to failure.  Rather, this study day seeks to touch on some of the more intriguing aspects of Celtic culture though the objects that are associated with it.  In examining our twenty objects, we will also glance quickly at some additional objects that did not make the cut.  We will talk about what makes an object Celtic, what is special about each object, and how it represents a particular aspect of Celtic culture.  Each object will be illustrated with a range of photographs.

9.30-11.00 – metalwork
11.30-1.00 – stone sculpture
1.30-3.00 – manuscripts
3.30-5.00 – other objects

Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

AU$95 full fee     $65 student/unwaged
includes morning and afternoon teas, light lunch and booklet
download flyer including registration form

Shakespeare summer school – Montpellier, France 2018

Montpellier, France 2018
Shakespeare summer school
9 – 13 July 2018

You’re invited to join us for a unique literary summer school experience in Montpellier, in the south of France, exploring the work of Shakespeare and his world. Sessions will include lectures from an international group of scholars on various aspects of Shakespeare and the early modern world, and on Shakespeare on screen, together with play readings from our focus plays Henry IV Part 1 and Henry V. A detailed programme will be provided closer to the time.

No prior experience is necessary; students, general readers, scholars all welcome!

Convenors: Dr Victoria Bladen (The University of Queensland, Australia) &

Prof Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), in partnership with the Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL)

Click here for information about the convenors


Enquiries: or

Cost: Full – 300 euros        Student/Unwaged – 250 euros

Students of the host institution (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III): no registration fee


Call for Applications


March 30th and 31st, 2018

University of Pennsylvania

 This graduate training workshop will cover topics in:

  • Paleography and Cataloging of Medieval Manuscript Rolls
  • Manuscript Transcription and Scholarly Editing
  • Introduction to the Digital Edition: Challenges and Best Practices
  • Collaborative Editing
  • XML, Text Encoding Fundamentals and the TEI Schema

No prior paleography or encoding experience is required.

The workshop covers the fundamentals of digital editing while tackling the codicological challenges posed by manuscript rolls. Practical sessions inform collective editorial decision-making: participants will undertake the work of transcription and commentary, and encode (according to TEI P5 protocols) the text and images of a medieval manuscript roll. The workshop will result in a collaborative digital edition.

The workshop will take place March 30th and 31st, 2018 (Friday-Saturday) 9.30am-4.30pm, and will be run by Yale and Penn graduate students. It is free of charge, and lunches will be provided. The workshop will be limited to ten places, with preference given to graduate students who demonstrate need for training in manuscript study and text encoding.

An information booklet and syllabus can be found on the website – please read this document before applying, and apply online by February 5th ( Applicants will be notified whether they can be offered a place by February 15th. For more information, see the project website or email

Irish Archaeology Field School (IAFS) Forensic Anthropology Course

The Irish Archaeology Field School (IAFS) provides third level training in heritage based studies to a number of university partners (see for more detail). This year the IAFS are launching an exciting new forensic anthropology course (see here) in partnership with Maynooth University and the Irish National Heritage Park. This week long course will run twice, starting March 11th and June 10th and carries 7.5 ECTS credits (awarded by Maynooth University).

The program will be taught from the site of Carrick Castle (and settlement), the first Norman Castle in Ireland, constructed in 1169. The castle site is located within the stunning confines of the Irish National Heritage Park in Wexford, southeast Ireland, a 40 acre parkland featuring the largest open air museum in Ireland. The course is particularly suitable for any students with an interest in osteoarchaeology and physical/forensic anthropology but may also appeal to a wide range of backgrounds including archaeology, history, anthropology, medieval studies – or just students looking for a unique study abroad experience in general. The program will include students of all ages and nationalities.


For further information contact:

Mairead Stobie
Program Administrator