Please note that the CFP for the conference of the Australian Early Medieval Association, to be hosted at ACU Canberra 26-28 September, has been extended to 9th August 2024.
See below for further details.
Please note that the CFP for the conference of the Australian Early Medieval Association, to be hosted at ACU Canberra 26-28 September, has been extended to 9th August 2024.
See below for further details.
The first session of the ANZAMEMS Peer Support Group will be on Friday 9 August. The Peer Support Group is a writing and discussion space for postgraduate members of ANZAMEMS. The group will run online, via Zoom, and is open to postgraduate members at any stage from honours to PhD. Attendance across all sessions is not mandatory. This is an informal support group, and we welcome drop-ins as much as regular attendance. See our website for further information.
If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Representative (AUS) Jenny Davis Barnett at
The next session of the 2024 ANZAMEMS ECR/Postgraduate reading group is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30. This will be a session on: Decolonisation, Race, and the Global Middle Ages. Please see the schedule below.
All readings and any updates to the schedule will be shared through the reading group’s Google Drive folder:
Please register your attendance at
All ANZAMEMS members are welcome, especially postgraduates and ECRs!
Please contact the convenors with any queries: Alexandra Forsyth (University of Auckland),, and Emily Chambers (Murdoch University),
Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.)
The journal Parergon, in print since 1971, regularly produces one open issue and one themed issue annually.
Recent and forthcoming themed issues include:
We now call for proposals for 2026 (43.2)
Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies, from early medieval through to the eighteenth century, and including the reception and influence of medieval and early modern culture in the modern world. We are particularly interested in research which takes new approaches and crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Parergon asks its authors to achieve international standards of excellence. Essays should be substantially original, advance research in the field, and have the potential to make a significant contribution to the critical debate.
Parergon is available in electronic form as part of Project Muse (from 1983), Australian Public Affairs – Full Text (from 1994), Wilson’s Humanities Full Text (from 2008), and Gale Academic One File (from 2008); it is included in the Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List of refereed journals and in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and is indexed for nine major database services, including ABELL, IMB and Scopus.
Themed issues contain up to ten essays, plus the usual reviews section. The guest editor is responsible for setting the theme and drawing up the criteria for the essays.
Proposals for the 2026 issue (43.2) should be submitted to the Editors by Monday 16 September 2024 (Please note this is an extended deadline).
Proposals should contain the following:
1. A draft title for the issue.
2. A statement outlining the rationale for the issue.
3. Titles and abstracts of all the essays.
4. A short biographical paragraph for the guest editor(s) and for each contributor.
Proposals will be considered by a selection panel drawn from the Parergon International Editorial Board who will be asked to assess and rank the proposals according to the following criteria:
• Suitability for the journal
• Originality of contribution to the chosen field
• Significance/importance of the proposed theme
• Potential for advancing scholarship in a new and exciting way
• Range and quality of authors
Guest editors will be notified of the result of their application by the end of September 2024.
The Editorial Process
Once a proposal has been accepted:
The guest editor(s) will commission and pre-select the essays before submitting them to the Parergon Editors by an agreed date.
The guest editor(s), in consultation with the Parergon editors, will arrange for independent and anonymous peer-review in accordance with the journal’s established criteria.
Occasionally a commissioned essay will be judged not suitable for publication in Parergon. This decision will be taken by the Parergon Editor, based on the anonymous expert reviews. Essays that have already been published or accepted for publication elsewhere are not eligible for inclusion in the journal.
Parergon’s Accessibility
Parergon is available in electronic form as part of Project MUSE (From Volume 1 (1983)),
Australian Public Affairs – Full Text (from 1994), and Humanities Full Text (from 2008)
Parergon is included in the Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List of refereed journals and in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and is indexed for nine major database services, including ABELL, IMB and Scopus.
Parergon has an Open Access policy. Authors retain their own copyright, rather than
transferring it to Parergon/ANZAMEMS; and can make the “accepted version” of their article freely available on the Web.
Please send enquiries and proposals to the Editors, Prof Rosalind Smith and Prof Sarah Ross at
The MEMS group at The University of Western Australia invites postgraduate students and ECRs to apply to present at an ANZAMEMS Seminar to be held on Tuesday 26 November 2024 (as part of the larger CHASS Congress). The seminar, “Intercultural encounters and materialities in the medieval and early modern period,” will explore the methodological and theoretical challenges in researching inter-cultural encounter histories for MEMS scholars.
Abstracts (ca 150 words) for seminar papers (20 mins duration) are now invited and must be received by 15 September 2024. A limited number of bursaries will be available. For further details, see the ANZAMEMS website.
**Announcing the upcoming ANZAMEMS postgraduate Peer Support Group**
The Peer Support Group is a writing and discussion space for postgraduate members of ANZAMEMS.
The group will run quarterly through 2024 and 2025. Each ‘workshop’ will potentially consist of three elements: one writing day, a writing exchange via email, and a feedback session of around one hour.
The group will run online, via Zoom, and is open to postgraduate members at any stage from honours to PhD. The workshops will be scheduled to accommodate members in time zones spanning from Western Australia to Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Attendance across all sessions is not mandatory. This is an informal support group, and we welcome drop-ins as much as regular attendance.
The initiative is meant to create a safe space to discuss challenges and difficulties associated with postgraduate study and foster connections between medieval and early modern scholars across the community.
More information including specific dates and times will follow shortly.
If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Representative (AUS) Jenny Davis Barnett at
The Australian Early Medieval Association will host their annual conference at ACU Canberra between 26-28 September. Paper proposals are now sought on the theme ‘The Spectrum of the Early Medieval World’. See below CFP for details.
10-11 October 2024 (in person)
The Limina collective conference committee invites proposals for 20-minute papers from across the breadth of humanities research to explore the theme of Solidarity.
Paper topics may include, but are not limited to:
Limina is open to all scholars and encourages HDR students and early career researchers (ECRs) to submit abstracts for this in-person conference.
Please submit abstracts (max. 200 words) and a short biography (max. 50 words) to before the end of July 2024. Please specify in your proposal whether you are willing to chair a panel.
The University of Melbourne is currently seeking applications for a five-year lectureship in medieval English literature. Please see details in the following link: