The Australian Early Medieval Association has announced that the call for papers for this year’s conference is now open. The dates of the conference will be 28-29 September 2023 and the deadline for abstract submissions is 15 July 2023. Submissions may be in the form of individual papers of 20 minutes duration, themed panels of three 20‐minute papers, or Round Tables of up to six shorter papers (total of one hour). All sessions will include time for questions and general discussion.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘The Natural and the Unnatural in the Early Medieval World’. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, with in-person attendance at The University of Sydney as well as online attendance.
Keynotes will be given by Dr Elizabeth Boyle (Maynooth University) and Professor Roland Fletcher (The University of Sydney).
The full text of the CFP may be viewed on the conference website.